Under the Influence: 4

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Hey guys! I'll be honest; i'm not entirely happy with this chapter but a lot of you wanted the next chapter so it's something right? If I have time i'll go over it and make it longer for you but enjoy!




Nadia :)


~Chapter 4~


I was in my last lesson of the day, Economics. Normally, I loved this subject but today that was not the case. Looking around the class, I saw my classmates doing various things. Some were looking at magazines, texting underneath the desks or just whispering to one another.

Thinking of how to spend my time was too difficult right now, I sighed heavily and looked over at the clock on the blank white walls. Most of the time the students played around with it to fool the teacher but now the janitor had put cameras in classrooms in hope that they could catch the people who did it. Frankly, it was a waste of money.

I thought in my head ‘"but I never look at the clock during school time’". Ever since I met with Principal Fisher this morning, this day has just been one long drag.

Normally, I would feel happy coming to school because when I’m at school nobody bothered me and I bothered no-one as well.

It was quiet and that’s how I liked it. So why did I feel as though a hurricane was about to come mess up my peaceful world?

Glancing down at my coursework planning sheet, I sighed again. I hadn't made any notes, looks like I’d have to stay behind after school tomorrow and catch up. I noticed everyone start to shuffle in their seats...it must be the end of the lesson.

Starting to do the same, I ignored the teacher and his explanation of the homework and walked towards the crowded hallways. Getting pushed and shoved....nothing new there!

Making my way to my locker, I was deep in thought. Most students tended to vandalise theirs by scratching their tags or girls tended to print out pictures of the latest “hottie of the month”. I would never understand the mind of a teenage girl and frankly I didn’t want to.

Lipstick, boyfriends, shopping....just urghh!

My locker was just plain and grey, boring I know! But what do I put up there? The periodic table? No thank you. I had my planner for that!

I avoided any of the football players who were in the mood to pick on me and quickly stuffed my books into my locker. I followed everyone out of the main doors careful to not get pushed into a corner. Last time this happened, I had a huge bruise on my shoulder when I came home and mum got scared.

She doesn’t deserve anything that’s happened to her. Just because I don’t agree with her sometime doesn’t mean I hate her. 

I made my way over to Leroy’s car; it had no roof and was midnight blue. A waste of money if you asked me but everything at this school was a competition. As I was walking, I felt someone’s eyes on me. Turning around, I locked eyes with Isabelle. She was wearing the same clothes as this morning but she had a black sports bag across her shoulder. It was so full; it must be breaking her back.

I quickly looked down not wanting to anger her. Once I reached Leroy’s car, I leaned against the front door, my bag on the roof of the car. I looked around to see if Leroy was near but he wasn’t.

Sighing, I started to take out a book to read. When I turned around, I saw Isabelle in front of me...just looking. She had no emotion on her face.

I was nervous...did she spot me looking at her as I was coming out?

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