Chapter Fourteen: A Close Encounter of the Evil Kind

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I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t breathe. The Shadow Master was here. Right behind me.

“What’s the matter? Cat got you tongue?”

I let out a shaky breath, and slowly turned to face him. He stood a couple of meters away. He looked the same as he did last night. Dark outfit. Dark mask. Dark eyes. Tonight however, he was without the writhing shadows at his feet. But even without them, the Shadow Master still look menacing. He was smirking at me.

“What do you want?” I asked, my voice sounding timid. He walked toward me, until we stood close. Extremely close.

“No need to be afraid, love. I’m not gonna hurt you,” the Shadow Master said. He reached out, tucking a stray bit of hair back behind me ear. Ok, too close. I backed away, putting about a metre between him and me.

“Funny, because last time we met you put I knife in my arm,” I replied, my voice shaking more than I would have liked.

“That was an unfortunate circumstance, my dear. However, it had to be done. Your boyfriend needed to learn not to mess with me. Besides, I healed you. Let’s not forget that.” He sounded so causal; almost as if we were two normal people have a normal conversation. However, I knew this was anything but normal.

“What do you want?” I repeated, more forcefully.

“Interesting contest going on before,” the Shadow Master said, ignoring my question. “It’s a shame you lost. You were doing so well. So close to winning too. It’s a shame you got distracted.”

“You...You were the one following me?” I asked in disbelief.

 “Indeed I was.”

‘ ‘It’s not like he’s following me or anything. I’m sure that was the last time we are ever going to see him in person’.’ My inner voice mocked. ‘Ha! Oh, the irony.’ It laughed.

‘Glad you think this is so hilarious. Need I remind you we are BOTH in a predicament here,’ I replied. It fell quiet.

 “Why were you following me?” I asked the Shadow Master.

“I was...curious.”

“Curious? About what?”

“About you,” he answered, taking a step closer to me. I sucked in a breath, shocked by his answer, or his closeness, or both. We were standing so close, I could smell him. His scent was musky, spicy, and dangerous. So different from Lock’s. Lock... Taking another step away from the Shadow Master, I turned around, fumbling at my pockets for my phone. Maybe I could call him for help. However, my phone wasn’t there.

“Shit,” I muttered.

“Looking for this?” I looked at the Shadow Master. In his hand was my cell phone.

“Give me back my phone,” I stated plainly.

“No. I don’t think I will. You’ll call all of your Super friends and they’ll eagerly rush to your rescue. Besides, I want to talk to you. Alone.” That last word sounded ominous.

“Well, here I am. With you. Alone. With no one to help me. So please, just tell me what you want,” I said desperately.

“Well, just because you asked ever so”

“Why not?”

“I like watching you squirm,” he said smugly.

“If you’re not going to tell me why you’re here, I’m leaving.”

I started to walk away. Screw my phone. I could buy a new one. Screw him and his arrogance. Screw him and his ‘I like watching you squirm’. Screw him and his-

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