All My Fault

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*Ty's POV*

We kissed each other as we walked back to Mitch and Jerome's cabin. We held hands, which made me feel loved. I finally have him. We are finally together. My one and only. My lover. Mine. Nobody can steal him from me. Nobody can let him leave me. We will always be together, no matter what.

"Sky, what will we tell the others?" I suddenly asked.

"Maybe let's just keep it a secret. Our secret." I giggled and kissed Sky's cheek. When we reached the cabin we acted like we were just... friends. It was hard, though. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to hug him. I wanted to call him "Mine" in front of everyone who saw me as a loner. As we entered the cabin, I couldn't help but open my mouth to announce that I was with Sky. But, Sky saw me and put a finger to my lips.

"Shhh, It's a secret." I smiled. We looked around and spotted Mitch and Jerome laying down, naked, on a bed. (#Merome :3) I imagined them being me and Sky. So adorable... Sky suddenly burst out laughing, instantly waking the couple up. They both blushed and hid themselves with the blanket.

"You... saw... NOTHING!" Mitch said. I wish I was allowed to show my affection like them. I wonder why Sky won't let me... Mitch and Jerome hid behind the blanket and shuffled over to their pile of clothes, just laying on the floor, and ran into the bathroom. I looked over at Sky.

"Why can't we show our love like them?" He looked kind of sad.

"Mitch and Jerome will tell Jason and I feel so damn bad for him. I didn't like the kiss, but I feel so bad, rejecting him like that. My biggest fear was rejection, ever since I stopped being straight." I looked at Sky, expecting him to go on. He sighed, then spoke. "I proposed to my girlfriend, Dawn, but a few days after, I broke up with her. I just couldn't do it. I decided I wasn't ready. The next day all I did was cry. I tried taking her back, but she rejected me. I felt so bad..." Sky sniffled and Mitch and Jerome came out of the bathroom.

"Er, um..." Jerome was speechless. I chuckled and looked at Sky who was trying to hold in his tears. I feel so bad for him...

*Sky's POV*

I didn't want to bring up Dawn, nor Jason. They were two things of my past, that I want to forget. But I just can't. Those are memories that at the most random time, will come creeping up on you, then BAM! That's all you can think about. I hate those types of memories.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Mitch asked, acting like nothing happened.

"No idea. Wanna get Jason?" I replied, acting like nothing happened.

"Sure." We all went downstairs and gasped. I started crying. Jason... he... he killed himself... He used his blood to write on the walls "You don't love me, Sky." I fell down the stairs, ignoring all the pain I felt. This is all MY fault! This would've never happened if it wasn't for ME!

"Wha-what happened?" Jerome asked.

"He kissed me, and I didn't like it." We stayed silent. Nobody talked, nobody moved. This was all

MY fault.

I told you being gay, was a sin.

Welcome back, dad.


*Jason's POV*

He ran upstairs with Ty. I guess I shouldn't have done that. My biggest fear is rejection. My life is now a whole entire nightmare. I don't like nightmares. I'll just wake up, and end it. Everyone rejected me. Every fucking person. Is it me? I don't know... I guess its time to end it. I grabbed a sword and stabbed myself. Right into my gut. I was still alive, feeling the pain. I used my blood to write words on the walls. But then, my heart stopped.

Thanks for nothing.



Oh my god. Why did I write this. I feel so bad. I regret everything. Please don't hate me... (hides under bed) So... um... OH MY GOD I AM A HORRIBLE PERSON!!! D; I guess it was because I'm in the middle of watching Cry play a sad game, The Cat Lady. I honestly regret writing this. Sorry for a short chapter... Er... Thanks for all the reads...


Very Sad Jessica, OUT

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