Chapter 7: Trust to Suspicion

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Somehow or another, Yukiko and Takashi managed to get out of the academy grounds without too much trouble. Although, after they got outside, Takashi broke into a run at such a speed that Yukiko could barely keep up. He didn't slow down at all until they got to the train station a good fifteen minutes later.

"You..." Yukiko struggles to speak through gasps for air, "What's... with the marathon..? Were we... in that big... of a hurry?"

"Not really. Just confirming something."

"Huh?! Confir-"

"You lack stamina. You'll need to improve that."

With that, Takashi starts walking towards a train. Yukiko follows behind while glaring at him, resisting the urge to knock his lights out. Half the seats were empty, but Takashi didn't even bother looking around for a place to sit. He simply continues walking and enters the section where the seats were concealed in compartments. A majority of them were empty, but Takashi keeps going until he stops at one on the right at the furthest end.

"Go in," he commands, opening the door and stepping aside for Yukiko.

"I know!"

Inside are two seats parallel to each other on the right and left side of the compartment. Yukiko takes the seat on the right side and moves closest to the window. Takashi takes the opposite one across from her, but doesn't slide over to the window side. He doesn't appear to have any interest in the view. Instead, he crosses his arms, slouches a little in his seat and closes his eyes.

Is he taking a nap?

Yukiko stares for a moment, but quickly turns her attention to the slowly passing scenery as the train begins to move. As a spirit, the darkness had no effect upon her eyes. She could see perfectly in the night. Rather, it was the daytime when she felt like her vision was a bit off. The train seems to take a curve, because a soft glow in the sky comes into view. Yukiko's eyes lock onto it, unable to wander.

A waning crescent...

She sighs internally. With all the events happening as of late, she hadn't thought about it.

I suppose I'll be unable to help him when...

The feeling of being watched interrupts her thoughts, and she forcibly rips her eyes away from the moon. When she turns around, Yukiko finds Takashi, still in the same slouched position, with his eyes open and staring directly at her.


He doesn't respond.

"Do you have some kind of problem?"

Takashi blinks and his eyes move to the bag sitting next to Yukiko.

"Why do you have that?"

His voice is quiet, almost a whisper. Yukiko assumes it's due to being sleepy, although he doesn't really look all that tired to her.

"It's my mission bag."

Takashi raises one eyebrow slightly.

"I got a lot of stuff that might be useful in the missions to come. See?"

She pulls out the belt and shows it to him, then she holds her bag out for him to see the other contents.

"I got lots of gear and weapons... we'll surely need this... oh and these too! This could come in handy... Have you seen these before? They're pretty cool. You see, what they do is..."

Takashi stares at her wordlessly while listening to her chatter on all the things she bought. It wasn't until Yukiko had finished talking and started putting everything back in the bag that he finally spoke.

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