chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I told my cousin five minutes ago, that I'm going to a party he said ok, he didn't stop me because he thought that going to parties was my way of coping with my parents death, he didn't need to know the truth. I was in the car with Daniela heading to Joshua's house, Joshua said that he had a friend that wanted to meet her but was afraid she wouldn't like him. pufh, yeah right. Well anyways I told Dany (short for Daniela) that i was allowed to bring a friend with me and that I choose her but in reality me and Joshua are hooking our two friends up and Joshua came up with a lie for his friend to, and know we just got to get them meeting and liking each other, easy enough, right? Wrong. Dany said that she was going to stay by my side no matter what to and I quote 'protect me from getting raped by a bunch of high schoolers' she is very dramatic and I highly doubt that's why she wants to stay by my side, the real reason is probably that she doesn't want to get lost or end up drinking then puking all over a hot guy.

When we made it to the party we parked in front of the house and we seen a bunch a people dancing, grinding and throwing up places, the dancers had red solo cups in there hand and ironically the red solo cup song was playing. I pushed my way through the yard with my hand on Dany's wrist, pulling her with me once I got inside I let go of her wrist only to have her grab my arm. I made my way up the stair by the wall and got to the top to look down and try to find Joshua and his friend. I finally found them by the stage arguing with some guy and then I seen the guy stomp and walking off angrily. I walked over to them with Dany still clinging to my side, when I got over there they had frustration written all over there faces

"You guys ok? And who was that other guy that stomped off" I said with an eyebrow raised then I saw this guy walk by with three drinks in his hand so I took one without him noticing, he was pretty drunk, so technically I was helping

"No we're not ok, we don't have a band to play for tonight and when this party is over I don't know how I'm going to clean this up before my parents get back" Joshua said with one breath and at the end he took in a sharp whiff of air. An idea most have popped up in Dany's mind because she had her idea face on

"Athena and I can help with the cleaning part and Athena can sing and dance for you" she stated with a bright smile on her face, when she said the last part I had alcohol in my mouth and the last part was unexpected so I ended up turning around and spitting it on someone then started to have a coughing fit

"I never agreed to singing and dancing" I said once I was done coughing

"Please, please, please, pleeeaassseee. It would be such a magnificent favor and I would forever be in your debt" Joshua said with puppy eyes. God damn it, I'm a huge sucker for puppy dog eyes, I mean I can say no to a person but when they do puppy dog eyes I can't stand not saying yes. So with the last bit of my pride I gave in and sighed

"Fine but only two songs got it" I stated already getting a headache from this party

"Yes, thank you so much" Joshua said and with that he went over to get some more if his friends, I guess, I don't know.

When I said two songs I ended up meaning about 40 songs, yeah I shouldnt have drank at this party.

I wake up with my head feeling light headed like all of my blood has run down to my face and there was something heavy on my leg. I open my eyes to find everything upside down and it scared me so I shot up really fast into a sitting position only to get hit in the head with a huge pain wave. Yep you guessed it, a hangover. It turns out that heavy thing on my leg was Dany using my thigh as a pillow, I look around to see I'm in the living room sitting on the couch. The house is a mess and its 5:45a.m, I shake Dany awake and she shot up too, I didn't have enough to warn her that she has a hangover just like me, well I guess people learn from there mistakes. Dany and I stand up very slowly with one hand on the couch arm to support us from falling, only until we know for sure that we won't fall do we let go, on the coffee table in front of us was Joshua's laying in the fetal position and on the ground straight ahead by the t.v was Joshua's friend, who I found out his name is Maximus max for short. I started looking under the coffee table to find something to wake up everyone, and just my luck I find something, a air horn. This is going to be fun. I told Dany to plug here ears and she did then I counted to three and blew the horn looking down at Joshua as he and all the other people who were sleeping shot up and then held there head in pain, I stopped blowing the horn once I knew everyone was awake

"Ok everyone out of the house now, that doesn't belong here" I yelled so everyone could hear me they all covered there ears again, but got up and headed out the door.

"Ok let get to cleaning" I said once everyone who didn't belong was out of the house and the people who did stay just groaned but got up any way.

When we were done cleaning inside and out we had an hour to spare. Me and Dany were wearing sunglasses that I brought just in case we were in the same exact scenario. Me, Dany, Max and Joshua were sitting on the couch.

"We better get going Dany I will get yelled at if we're not home by 9:00 and school starts at 9:30 but I bet I can at least get out of that" I said turning my head to look at Dany with her head on Max's shoulder with her eyes closed and Max's head leaning on her head with his eyes closed

"Ok then I guess I will call my cousin and tell him something" I said thinking that Joshua was sleeping too. He wasn't

"Ok do you need to use my phone" he said and I really didn't but, and this is going to sound girly, I wanted him to hand me his phone and have me 'accidentally' touch his hand

"Yeah if that's alright with you" I said turning my head to find him smiling at me, he put his hand behind him to fish out his phone from his back pocket. He finally got a grasp on it and handed it to me, I grabbed it and at the same time I touched his hand, sparks when flying up my arm and my eyes started to stare back at his, I felt like nothing else in the world mattered except him. I finally hear my thoughts and pushed that feeling down to the deepest darkest parts of my soul. I knew something was way more important then this boy, it was ten times as more important then this boy. I think. WAIT WHAT!!! No finding out what happened to my parents is what is most important, nothing else, nope, Nada, zip, zilch. I noticed I was still staring at him so I looked away and dialed my cousins number on the third ring he finally picked up

"Hello? Who is this?" He said

"It's me your favorite cousin" I said in a teary voice so he would think that I've been crying

"Are you ok it sound like you've been crying" he said with a worried tone and I just mentally fist bumped the air above me saying yes he fell for it

"Yeah ive been crying, I feel like crap and i don't think me or Dany can go to school we're at Dany's cousin whone (pronounced who-WAHN) house watching a sad movie and eating ice cream. You know girl stuff" I said shortening my breaths so it seams that I'm trying to stop crying for his sake. If I'm right he will feel guilty and won't ask any more questions

"Ok, ok. Get back to your romantic dramas, I will call the school for both you and Dany ok. I love you bye" he said then hung up. I told you works like a charm

"Are we free of school today?" Dany asked with her eyes closed, not wanting to fully wake up

"Do you even need to ask that question?" I said answering her question with another question

"Guess not. Good night/morning" she said slowly drifting back to dream world

"Good night. Ugh. I have nothing to do now. Your lucky I love you like a friend Dany" I said even though I knew she was already out like a light. Hmmmm. What to do, what to do? Oh I can..... never mind......mabey I to tired. Oh I got it. I know exactly what to do and with that idea in my mind I looked over at Josh and give him an evil grin, he gave me a scary look back. Before.....

Sorry I know this one is not as good as the other ones. But it will get better. Thanks for reading and remember please be patient

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