The Feast of Autumn

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     Urumiriel slowly opened her eyes. She was no longer in the Mystic Forest, but in her own room. Her white curtains gently swayed in the cool breeze that came in through the window and the chirping of birds could be heard outdoors.

     She swung her legs out of bed and put her bare feet on the cool wooden floor. She always loved that feeling every autumn. The cool, crisp air, gatherings around a fire, the beautiful golden leaves, and the feasts. Especially the Feast of Autumn, a celebration of the first day of the leaf-fall. 

     She made her bed before walking to her closet so she could pick out an outfit. As she thought about her dream last night, she picked out one of her favorite dresses. It was a sky blue dress with slip-like material one the inside and see through silk on the outside, making her arms visible through the sleeves. She put it on and walked over to her nightstand, grabbed her hairbrush, and brushed out her long, wavy golden hair. Once she was finished with that she placed her silver circlet (which looked exactly as it had in the dream) on her head.

     A knock came from her door, bringing her back to reality.

     "Come in." Urumiriel called.

     A female elf with more beauty than even the stars walked in. Her hair looked much like Urumiriel's, as it was long, wavy, and gold in color. Young she looked, but in her blue eyes were many sorrows. "Are you almost ready?"

     "Of course! I'm very much looking forward to helping prepare for the feast."

     "As am I. It will be quite a night."

     Urumiriel smiled. "I've been to many Autumn Feasts, but my favorite is the Feast of Autumn." She turned around and looked at the other Elf. "Will the dwarves come for trade?"

     The other elf nodded. "Yes, which is why we must take the whole day to prepare the food. I will wait for you with the maids." She turned to leave.

     "Alright. I'll see you there soon, Sister." Urumiriel said as she braided two strands of hair at the front and one at the back, then combining the three and braiding them down the back in the middle. "Galadriel, wait."

     The elf, Galadriel, turned back to her sister. "Yes, Miriel?"

     Urumiriel hesitated. "Never mind. I will tell you later."

     "Did something happen?"

     "You could say that. I had a strange dream last night."

     "Do you wish to talk about it?"

     "I do not think we would have enough time to at the moment." Urumiriel said as she looked out the window. "We should be getting to the kitchen."

     "Then let us speak of it along the way."

     So as the two made their way to the kitchen, Urumiriel told Galadriel of her dream.

     "And that's how it ended." Urumiriel finished.

     Galadriel was silent a moment before she answered. "It does indeed sound like more than just a dream."

     "Hiril nin." An elf greeted as the two Ladies passed by.

     "Suilad." Urumiriel replied with a smile.

     As the two Elven Ladies made their way down a flight of stairs and walked onto a large, circular wooden platform, Urumiriel observed the many elves. Everyone had a smile on their face and conversed as they worked.

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