chapter 2

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I love you for reading this!<3

*Aria's p.o.v*

The first few classes of the day went by really fast but then again the first day of school always goes by fast. In each class Maddox and I made sure to get a seat next to each other. We didn't really listen to the teachers talk about what papers to get signed when we got home or what projects we will have during the school year, we just talked and laughed. Its like being friends just came natural to the both of us.

At the end of the day we say our goodbyes and I start my long walk home. Well it wasn't that long maybe half a mile. I popped in my headphones and pressed shuffle on my iPhone. The first song that played was "over again" by one direction. Yes I listen to one direction! I also listen to skillet and bands like that so don't judge me. As i was walking i did this little dance thing not thinking anyone was watching..

Not the case unfortunately. I heard a honk come from behind me and I froze pulling out my headphones swiftly turning around to see a really nice black corvette sitting in front of me. I was a bit scared as to what the person driving wanted but I let out a breathe I didn't realize i was holding when Maddox stepped out of the drivers side. "Nice dance moves." he chuckled. "thank you" I smiled cheekily even though I was extremely embarrassed that he saw that. "come on hop in!" he waved me over. "wait what oh no I can walk thanks though." "oh come on I insist!" "Well if you insist I suppose you can give me a ride." I giggled. The inside of the car was nicer than the outside. It had a touch screen radio with a dock underneath to charge your iPhone. The seats were black leather with red stripes down the middle of them. The car basically smelled brand new. I looked over to Maddox to make sure he was paying attention. "new car?" I ask. "Yea my dad bought it for me on my birthday he kinda has a lot of money." He seemed hesitant to tell me that but I just said "cool" and smiled. The ride was mostly silent, but not an uncomfortable silence it was actually quite peaceful if you ask me. Every few seconds I would see Maddox look over at me from the corner of my eye.

I finally got his attention asking him what he was looking at. He simply replied "nothing it's just weird *he paused for a second* yet nice having someone actually talking to me treating me like a normal person." He glanced over at me once again before quickly changing the subject. "Which house is yours?" "It's the brick house with the white picket fence and big dog in front." He pulled into my driveway and parked the car jumping out of his side running over to my side and opening my door for me. "Thank you and by the way why would I treat you any different you are a human being aren't you." He just smiled. "Bye Maddox thanks again!" I said before walking toward my house. "Hey Ari how about I pick you up in the morning 7:30?" I thought for a minute I'm not the type to ask people for rides or anything for that matter but he did offer so "sure." I state smiling and waving before entering my house.

As soon as the front door closed I put my back against it and just smiled recalling all of today's events. I actually made a friend on the first day! Maybe I won't be a loner all by myself. Maddox can be a loner with me! I learned a lot about him while we ignored our teachers today. He told me all about how he usually isn't treated like a normal teenager because of his disability so he has always just kinda stayed to himself. I told him he was fine just the way he is I don't care what anyone else says and that I've always been a loner too so we can be loners together if he'd like which he did. I also learned we have a few similarities like our favorite colors are purple, we both love cats and different assortments of music. Our parental situations are quit similar as well. But we'll get into that later.

ARI! ARIA SAGE! I snapped out of my thoughts to my mother yelling my name and waving a hand in front of my face. "Why are you yelling!" I ask confused.. "You weren't responding I thought you had fallen asleep standing up or something!" She yells again. "No I didn't fall asleep I guess I was just thinking and you can stop yelling now" I chuckled. "Sorry what were you thinking about? Did you have a good day at school? Was the lunch good? How did you get home so quickly? I would have picked you up but I have night shift." "MOM! Slow down one question at a time! I was thinking about school. Yes I had a fantastic day I even made a new friend who drove me home and

Is picking me up in the morning so you can sleep in. The lunches were fine." "Was this friend a boy by any chance and that is wonderful I can actually sleep in!" She smiles. "Yes as a matter of fact he is a boy but I don't want to go into every itty bitty detail I'm extremely tired. Oh and there are some papers I need you to sign I will lay them on the counter after I'm done with the dishes." "The dishes are done I had extra time so I did them after cooking dinner which is in the fridge I have to be going but I'll sign the papers later I love you honey!" "Bye mom love you too" and with that she was out the door.

I turned around and walked toward the kitchen grabbing a soda and my dinner plate from the fridge popping it in the microwave. Then proceeding to put the papers on the counter for my mom to sign. As soon as the microwave beeped to notify me my food was done I ran up to my bedroom to watch some re-runs of being human the u.k version.

I had just finished my dinner when my phone beeped from beside me. I had a notification on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Maddox has started following you, Maddox has sent you a friend request, Maddox liked your profile picture, Maddox liked your status. Then I received a text message from a number I didn't recognize. The text read.

• I know it looks like I'm a stalker but I got your number off Facebook:D I'm sure I'm blowing up your phone with notifications lol sorry!:p -Maddox

• your totally a stalker lol it's okay though I was bored anyways!:) -Ari

•Oh good then I'm bored too and like I said I don't have many other people to talk too!-Maddox

•same here! Yay! loners together forever;p lol -Ari

•yay! So I was thinking do you have plans this weekend by any chance?-Maddox

•like I said loner here!:p-Ari

•Oh yea well then that means you could maybe go to the movies with me and then to laser tag? -Maddox

•yes of course that would be amazing I love laser tag!!!^_^ -Ari

•great then I'll give you more details tomorrow see you in the morning have a great nights sleep!:)-Maddox

•okay!:) see ya tomorrow! Sweet dreams!-Ari

After Maddox and I said goodnight I took a quick shower and put on my cozy pajamas, plugged my phone into the charger and set my alarm for 6:30 I want to be on time tomorrow it would really be bad if I made Maddox late as well! Shortly after I dozed off into a well needed sleep.


Well there's chapter two I'm hoping it was at least a little better than chapter 1!? Let me know if you like it:) comment!!!! Comment!!! Comment!!! Vote!!! Vote!!! Vote!!!! Vote!!!!! Love you guys!

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