SkyDoesMinecraft x Deadlox- part2

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Sorry it took a while! ;-; I got writers block and couldn't figure out to make this end so it's kinda short and suck-ish.. >.<  Forgive meh.. ;-; ~~Tiara

*adam's p.o.v* 

'i can't believe this!? Why is he not answering his phone!?' this would make the 10th time calling Ty's phone. "You have reached the voice mail of t-" i hung up before the answering machine could finish. I called one last time, "You have reached the voice mail of Ty Ellis please leave your message at the beep. *BEEEEP*" I sighed silently. "H-hey ty.. this is the 11th and last time im going to try and call.. If you want to talk when you get this, i hope you do.. Just.. call me.. Please.." I hung up while whipping a tear. I flopped down on the floor looking at my phone. "Hey buddy, you okay?" I sat up to look at Red. I shook my head no, "Boy troubles huh?" Red smiled sweetly, i nodded and looked down. "I know how that feels." He sighed sitting down beside me, he then put his head on my shoulder and i broke down. The tears and cries I was holding back all came out. After about an hour of my cries being cried and watching videos, there was a soft knock on the door. Red got up from his spot beside me and opened it. "h-hey Adam...." I looked up in shock. Without saying a word I ran up and hugged the person. "Ty..." I sighed still hugging him. I heard him chuckle and felt his lips on the top of my head. I smiled as i looked at him. "I got your messages..." He smiled locking eyes. He moved closer to my face still eyes locked onto mine. I closed my eyes and leaned in to connect our lips. I smiled into the kiss, and hugged Ty closer to me. I opened my eyes and pulled away, I looked towards Red and he was smiling. I smiled back as he waved good-bye and walked out. I looked back at Ty and started to laugh, "What's so funny?" He asked tilting his head slightly. "Nothing, just I thought. uuhhh never-mind." I laughed again and kissed him once more. "I love you Adam." was the first thing i heard when we separated. "Never leave me again." I said Hugging for the third time. He laughed and agreed. with another kiss. 

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