RedVactor x ThatGuyBarney (PART 2)

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Hey guys! Mikey here! If you havnt read the first Redney go read that!

Barney's pov

I took a deep breath and looked at the clock '8:25' it read. My body was shaking, I knew what I had to do. If I didnt go he'd find me and kill me.

I quickly got into the shower, taking as long as possible. When finished I got out and quickly got dressed, just a simple blue shirt and jeans and checked the time 8:50. I gasped an grabbed my keys and quickly ran out of the house an to my car, started the car and drove tk Wall Street park.

I got out and closed my door silently. I glanced around and even over my shoulder, no one. With a deep breath I started walking along the sidewalk path that lead into the park, it was fairly dark I couldnt see a thing. I could feel my hands shaking as I gripped at the end of my shirt nervously..what if he made me meet him here cause that's where he wanted to kill me..what if he wanted to tear me limb from limb! What if-"Boo!" I let out a loud scream before a hand covered my mouth.

My screams stops and the hand moved I quickly turned around and saw him there, deep red button up and black jeans he also had glasses on. I swallowed hard as he smiled sweetly, he almost didnt look like a serial killer. I smiled back and he pulled a rose out from behind his back and handed it to me, I blushed a bit and took it smelling it. "Thanks yous.." I said softly causing him to chuckle, "Youre shy aren't ya?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Ah! I get it! It's not everyday an insane killer asks ya on a date huh?" my eyes widened a bit "A dates?" I asked shocked and he nodded "Yeah! Duh! Why do you think I gave you a roose?" he laughed and offered his hand "Come on! Ive got the whole night planned!" I took his hand and he pulled me along the park's sidewalk.

We stopped at what looked like a picnic, he let go of my hand and sat down then patted the empty place next to him. I sat down and glanced at him, he was smiling gently at me "So! Tell me about you!" he said opening the basket an pulling out a few sub sandwhiches "I got ham an cheese and Italian Beef! I didnt know what you like so.." he looked down an shrugged a bit. I took the ham and cheese from him and started telling him about myself like he had asked, as he ate he watched me like he was extremely interested in what I was saying.

Once I finished my sandwich and talking about myself he took out a small bottle of wine. He opened it an poured us a glass and then started to tell me about himself. As he spoke he kept glancing down at his glass of wine, he was telling me how his parents disowned him and beat him for being Pansexual and how he slowly started to lose the man he used to be to the evil voices in his head. I started to feel bad for this guy..he was just a mentally sick man who needed help.

After a few hours of sitting there talking he slowly stood up an offered his hand "I think it's time for you to head home" I grabbed his hand and stood up, he held onto my hand as he walked me back to my car. Once there I turned to him "I cants believing that I actually hads a good times tonight..." I laughed nervously as I looked down. He chuckled and said "see? Im not completely dangerous!" I looked back up and nodded "That's true!" We both laughed.

I unlocked my car and opened the door and turned around to say goodbye but as soon as I turned around I felt soft chapped lips on mine. I froze but soon kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck as I felt him smile against my lips. He pulled away and smiled "Ill see ya again sometime Barney," he said softly and I nodded "Of courses!" I said smiling he walked away an waved. I waved back an got into my car an covered my face "Im dating a serial killer..." I mumbled in shock.

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