Can It Be?

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Tamaki's POV
Today was an absolutely lovely day with my girlfriend, Haruhi. Is what I thought at first. What I really thought was, why did I agree to spend the day with Haruhi? She kept on bitching at me! It was awful. I tried to make her happy, but every time I do, she takes it the wrong way, and calls me a pervert! Can it be? Have I fallen in love with the wrong girl? Did I like the wrong girl all my life! We've only been together for one month! I already feel like ending it! Well, at least I have Kyoya to talk to. He may not listen to me, but I still talk to him. Because in the end he always helps. I still remember that day. I'm sure Kyoya does too. He seemed to enjoy that as much as I did.
"Hey Kyoya!" I called out. It was the last day of school. I wanted to say bye to him before we went our separate ways. "What is it this time Tamaki?" He asked, obviously not in the mood to listen to my annoyance. "I just wanted to say goodbye. It's been a good year, we are both graduating, and I'm now with Haruhi." I said. Oddly enough, Kyoya had a different expression to his face. It was... Almost... Sad. As if the fact that I'm with Haruhi made him upset. "Oh. I didn't know you were with her." He said. "Well she just asked me out earlier today. Well gotta go! I hope to see you soon!" I said heading out of where we held our Host Club. "Tamaki, wait!" Kyoya called out. He reached for my wrist and pulled me close to him. We were hugging. He lifted up my chin, our eyes locked together, looking at each other's with a burning passion. I couldn't tell who moved first. Eventually, our lips joined together. I was absolutely shocked. Kyoya would never act this way. What was up with him? Our lips pulled away. He pushed me away from him. "Go." He said, his voice low. Without saying a word I left. I stayed at the door, my back leaning against it. "What just happened?" I whispered to myself.
-End of Flashback-
Yeah, that sure was something else. He looked so desperate. That's a side of him I've never seen before. The way his eyes looked. They were bright instead of dark and has this lustful glare that I couldn't help but think about. The thought of his surprisingly soft lips against mine, was breathtaking. I had to feel that sweet sensation again... Wait! What am I talking about?! Me and Kyoya?! How!? I'm with Haruhi! I've been trying so hard to be with her, yet I'm leaning more towards Kyoya! Maybe... I have a thing for Kyoya...? Do I? Can it be? Am I... In love with Kyoya? Of all people... Why him...?

This chapter was SO hard to write! I couldn't think of anything! Sorry about that. Anyways, this story is already getting interesting! Yep, Haruhi is the abusive kind. Might as well just say that now. She doesn't abuse him physically though, just through words. She's just the tougher one in the relationship. That's it! See you in the next chapter!

Tamaki x Kyoya~Bitter Love and Sweet Revenge [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now