Chapter One - Princess Sophia

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She was stunning. Mesmerising. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I heard the guards address her as 'Princess Sophia'. The head guard said something about me being hard to catch. She looked up, and stared right at me. She started to say something, but all sound was drowned out. I then snapped back into focus, when her gaze was turned to me, fear and sadness, obvious in her sapphire blue eyes.

"I, Princess Sophia, the heir to this kingdom, the only daughter of King Acosco and Queen Miriam, hereby sentence you , Killian Jones, or better known as Captain Hook of the Jolly Roger, to death. Your execution will be held tomorrow at dawn." She finished. I didn't blink, I didn't protest. I knew the rest of the crew were outside of the throne room, in hidden passages, watching the confrontation. They probably couldn't believe that I had gone in to kidnap the Princess, and am now leaving with a death sentence.

She looked down and said, "Take him away." She waved her hand in a dismissive manner. I tried to catch her eye, but she did not lift her gaze from the floor. I was dragged away from the royal family, and tugged toward the dungeon.

There was a huge staircase, that led into darkness. I couldn't see where I was going, until there was a flame emitting from behind me.

"Walk." A sword was pointed to where my heart is. I sighed in defeat, and started making my way down the stairs. It was cold and dark, like any dungeon should be. I was shoved into a cell, the guards laughed in my face, and walked back up the stairs, taking the flame with them. 

I then heard a crash."Look Smee, I already told you, 'If I am captured, take the men back to the boat, and leave. Do NOT wait for me, for I will escape.'" I then turned to look at the wall of the cell, and turned my back to the bars.

"Who's Smee, and how do you plan to escape?" My head whipped around to face the mystery person, and to be honest, I was quite shocked when I saw the Princess standing there, arms crossed, posture poised, ready to see if I would try anthing through the bars. But something did catch my eye though. My hook. The lousy princess had my hook! 

"Smee is my first mate, and as if I would tell you, but I would, for a price." I answered, getting cocky, as I sent her a wink in her direction. Let's just say, she wasn't very impressed.

"You tell me, how you 'plan' to escape, or I won't get your ship back.' She said, and started to turn away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait," I began, as I raced up to the bars, and pushed my good hand through to try and grab a piece of her clothing. She looked back at me and smirked. "What about my ship?" I asked.

"Your ship is under guard everyday, and every night// No-one can get near it, except for a member of the Royal Guard or the the Royal Family. So, tell me, 'Hook'," She then took me by surprise, and got up close to the bars, pointing a dagger under my chin. "How do you plan to escape?" She asked, her blue eyes, a deep, dark blue, with anger and hatred flaming inside.

I held up a bit of my 'Pixie Powder' that I had gathered from Neverland.

"This, is Pixie Powder. It can destroy anything. So if you get caught, you can blast your way out of anything." I said, as I tried to ignore the searing pain of the blade on my neck, and inched closer to the Princess. She really was stunning. She then pulled the dagger and her face away.

"Why waste it, when there's an easier way?" She asked, and held up the key to my cell. No way, this was too easy. There had to be a catch. Was she trying to make me look guiltier?

I eyed it carefully, and made a grab for it. She snatched her hand out of my reach with lightning, quick reflexes. "She'd make a half decent pirate." I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2013 ⏰

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