Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:



Niall, Niall, Niall.

Niall Horan.


That's all that my mind was thinking the last hour of the day. It was Algebra, my least favorite subject. But somehow having Niall in it made it my favorite.

He looked especially cute today, wearing a long sleeved t-shirt that hugged his body tightly, the soft blue hue of it bringing out his bright blue colored eyes. His dark jeans hung lowly on his hips, his golden blonde hair styled into a tall quiff.

His pale skin looked smooth and flawless. I wondered what it would feel like. The touch of his skin. Would it be nice and warm? Of course it would. Duh, Lily. I sighed silently, compensating how stupid I was in my mind. I closed my eyes to imagine how it would feel to hug him. I imagined his beautiful smile as he came closer to me, his eyes lighting up with excitement. I imagined his long muscular arms wrapping around me, his fingers gently making contact with the back of my shirt. I imagined nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck, fitting perfectly like it was made just for the two of us. That moment in my head felt perfect, I didn't want to let go. I never wanted his arms to unwrap themselves from me. I didn't want to do anything else than hug him the way I was hugging him.

Actually no.

I wanted to kiss him more than that.

His lips looked so perfect.

Oh god, I thought. Don't get me started on that.

I'm pathetic.

Just pathetic.

I'm having damn fantasies about stuff that will never happen. I'll never get the opportunity to do either of those things.

I don't even think he knows my name.

The bell rang loudly and the class started packing up their binders and filing quickly out the door. "Hey mate!" a boy said, giving Niall's hair a friendly ruffle, messing it up a bit. Niall runs a hand through his hair fixing it calmly and giving him a soft chuckle. This boy was none other than Liam Payne.

Liam was the biggest jock at our school. He had short dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes and was very tall and strong. He could have girls dropping like flies just by winking at them or shooting them a smile.

Although he had a big heart and was very friendly and nice, Liam was part of the "popular" group and so was Niall. That was partly why I felt I had no chance with him.

A lot of girls liked Niall as well. They smiled at him, winked at him, and flirted with him nonstop. It made my insides burn with jealousy. I hated watching it.

Even though Niall never seemed to be interested and flirted back it still hurt. He had never had a girlfriend, ever since I'd known him. I'd always wondered why. Maybe he wasn't interested in hooking up with random girls like so many of the other guys at this school did. Maybe he didn't feel like it. Maybe he was too busy. Maybe he didn't think any of the girls liked him, that their flirty antics were just friendly gestures. Maybe he was shy. Maybe he was looking to have a steady relationship with someone. Maybe he actually really liked a girl. Maybe.

This whole thing had been going on since freshman year now. Two and a half years. I've liked Niall Horan for two and a half years. His adorable smile, his fluffy blonde hair, his precious baby blues, his cute laugh, his great sense of humor and funny jokes he always made in the middle of class, his tall posture, his thick irish accent, his everything.

I liked his everything.

All the way up from the bottom of his supras to the tip of his neat quiff hairstyle. He was so desirable. I didn't know how anyone could not like him.

He was absolutely perfect.

And yet he would never be mine.

I shook my head. I needed to stop reminding myself that. I still had a chance, didn't I? I mean everyone had a chance. I just couldn't waste mine. And I was determined not to.

I finished packing up my stuff and shuffled towards the door, the last one to leave. Just when I was about to step into the halls, I heard my teachers voice. "Lily?" she said, catching my attention. Her voice contained a tone of concern in it, something I was barely able to make out, but still was there.

I turned around silently. "Yes ma'am?"

Mrs. Keizer looked at me, tapping the pencil she was holding on the desk softly. "I couldn't help but notice you were having a bit of trouble paying attention in class today. Is everything alright?"

I looked at her and gave a polite nod. "Yes," I replied. "I'm fine, just thinking, that's all. Thank you for your concern."

She nods back and waves her hand towards the door. "Alright. Have a good weekend Lily."

I smile at her before leaving. "You too ma'am."

I exit Room 408 into the crowded halls. A huge sea of people wander around in all different directions, laughing and talking and grabbing books and opening their lockers.

"Ready for the game today?" I hear a voice call rather loudly. I look up to see Harry Styles talking excitedly with his fellow football teammates Liam and Niall.

The curly haired boy is also part of the "popular" group. He has bright green eyes, brown hair, dimples and is quite the charmer too. Right now he's dating this girl named Jenny and I think they're quite nice together.

We are lab partners this year in chemistry so you could say we were friends. Now that I thought of it, he was the closest connection I had to Niall.

I started down the hallway, turning the corner where the group of football players were talking. All of a sudden someone bumped into my shoulder very hard, causing pain to shoot through my body. My books came crashing down out of my arms and fell to the floor in a massive heap.

"Shoot!" I exclaimed, somewhat shocked. I bit my lip and rubbed my shoulder with my opposite hand before bending down and starting to pick up my scattered materials.

"Lily," a voice says. I turn around, looking over my shoulder to see Harry. "You okay there?" he asks, his eyes flickering to mine for a brief moment.

I nod in reply. "Just dropped my books, that's all."

Harry reaches his hand out, grabbing a stray textbook out of the pile. "Here let me help." He crouches down a bit to pick up the pencils, pens, and highlighters and place them in the little pencil pouch.

"Thank you Harry," I say with a small smile as together we finish cleaning the mess off the floor.

He smiles back, helping me to my feet. "No worries babe, it's the least I could do."

I pause for a minute. Did he just call me babe?

Before I can process what just happened I hear another voice.

But this is no ordinary voice.

It's Niall's.

Hey guys! So that was Chapter 1 of "Truly, Madly, Deeply (a Niall Horan Fanfiction)"

I hope you enjoyed it!

Please vote and leave a comment, telling me thoughts on the story so far and what you think is going to happen!

If you want to talk or have questions feel free to send me a personal message or leave me a message on my profile. In the bio of my profile you can find my kik also so if you don't have a Wattpad account you can talk to me on there.

Also a very good friend of mine has just started a Liam Payne fanfiction. It is called "The One Who Changed Me (a Liam Payne Fanfiction)" and you can find it on her profile- @I_LovePayne_1D! Please read her story! It's great!(:

Anyway, thank you all for reading. Hope you're having a nice day!(:

-Kennah <3 x

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