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after he left i couldn't help but think about what just happened.

"i'm really dating patrick stump" i thought to myself with the biggest smile ever.

a few hours later i decided to call hayley and tell her about me and patrick.

she knows about our first date but not about us dating.


"hello"? hayley said.

hayley! what's up? i asked.

oh hey! and nothing, i'm at my mom's house.. we just ate dinner.

okay! well hayley.. i have to tell you something! i said  with excitment.

what is it vee?!

well, me and patrick are a couple now!

no way! shut the front, back and all the other doors!! hayley said.

haha! i can tell your excited! i said.

 i am!! i knew you really like him.

i do! he's amazing! and i met his 3 friends he's in a band with. their really cool.

awesome! well i got to go. my mom wants me to knit sweaters with her.

i started laughing! i'm glad i'm not you! i said jokily.

ugh whatever vee! hayley said.

whatever, bye hayley!

bye vee! and i'm really happy for you!

thanks! i'm happy too.


i guess while i was on the phone with hayley i got a text.

"hey beautiful! i just wanted to say that i'm really happy we're together" i read.

i replied back. "i'm really happy too!"


after that we kept texting for a good hour before i got sleepy.

"hey patrick, i'm really tired.. i'll text you tomorrow cutie!" i typed bak.

before he could reply i fell asleep.

thanks for the memories (a patrick stump love story)Where stories live. Discover now