Chapter 1

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Why am I so scared? She’s my mother not a firing squad. Although only a few minor details separate the two. I’m currently in the NCIS parking lot, sitting in my car, trying to build up the courage to walk in and see her, Shannon Young, my mother.

This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't run away from home at 16 years old, in other words 8 years ago. I haven't seen my mom since. Hence, why I’m so nervous about all of this. But I really want to form some kind of relationship with her. I have seen how fast life can be destroyed first hand. I have come to near to death a few times myself, and I know she has too. I don't want to regret later not knowing her. Sure I had my reasons, but she gave birth to me that has to mean something, right? Not to mention hiding and staying away from her has been a huge pain, since I moved back to Washington 5 years ago. Especially since we are in the same circles of people.

By the way, I’m Hailey. Hailey Young. I’m a 24 year old certified bad ass! I’m one of the best agents in any field of work. I worked with the FBI in California for 3 years when I first ran away. Then I moved to back to Washington and worked for the CIA for a year, then the Secret Services for a year as well. I just recently got done working with the FBI here in Washington for 3 years. My mom has no clue of an of my many accomplishments, or my big busts, big promotions, nothing. How many people can say they worked for the president?! Not her, that’s for sure. She's dedicated her whole life to NCIS, and all she’s gotten is to be freakin' Director? She doesn’t even have any field work anymore. She works behind a desk pushing paperwork through, and telling other people how to manage in the field. It’s supposed to be a huge honor, but I could never do it. Give up that adrenaline rush, of catching the bad guy and saving the day. I live for that.

"Okay Hails, you got this, you can do anything!" I whispered to myself, trying to pump myself up to go in there and see her. "Just do it and get it over with, Hailey!" I continued.

I reached across the center console to grab my purse. I took a deep breathe in and then exhaled deeply. I opened the door and exited the car. I headed to the Headquarters front door, I paused in front of it debating whether to continue or run scared. I mentally yelled at myself, "Just do it, Hailey! Do it now!" I opened the door and stepped through to the inside of the building. The walls were a crisp white, and the marble flooring had an elegant shine to it. Everything looked so exact and like it’s never been touched, or stepped on before. This place was so intimidating, of course that’s just what I needed now. There was a lady with her long blonde hair in a high ponytail sitting at a large semi-circle desk with a maple wooden wall stand closing the circle off, dead centered with the doors when you first enter the building. I strode up to where she sat and politely asked, "Excuse me, do you know where I can find Director Young’s office?" I smiled at her as she looked up at me. She looked me over, obviously analyzing me.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked routinely.

"Uhh, not exactly." I started and when I saw the look she gave me I knew that wasn’t the right answer. So I quickly resorted to lying, "She told me that it would be okay if I just walked in. That she could squeeze me in now." I gave a confident smile. Working in the field I have your learn to lie. Be as convincing as possible was key.

With a nod of the head, she pointed to the far right wall where a set of three elevators were located and said, "Third floor."

As I walked to the middle elevator and pushed the up button, I heard the lady say into a phone, "Director, you have a visitor. I sent her up." Well so much for surprising her.

The elevator doors opened and I entered, thankfully I was the only one in the there. I was still working up the nerve to not run away from my mom... again. The back wall of the elevator was a mirror. I took in my classy, flashy, yet professional look I had going on. I looked myself up and down. I was wearing my favorite black Gucci Venus high heel platform sandals, with a black pencil skirt that came just above my athletically fit legs. Paired with a bright light purple blouse that went from my neck to my shoulders, and swooped down just barely giving way to a glimpse of my cleavage. My light brown hair with natural blonde highlights, cascaded down both sides of my face and past my shoulders, landing just below my bust. My hair was currently half up and half down, with my side swept bangs just barely staying out of the way of my to die for hazel-grey eyes.

Mommy, I'm Home. *Revised*Where stories live. Discover now