More Than Just A Bromance. (Mashton)

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So hey guys, I'm Leah. This is my first 5SOS fic. I will openly admit that I only just joined the 5SOS Family a few weeks back. I apologise? If I get anything wrong, feel free to tell me. But it's a fan fic right, it doesn't have to be entirely correct? But yeah, feel free to comment, and all that shit. Sorry for swearing. :\ Follow me on twitter; @LeahMannell

I'll try an updated every second day hopefully, I will always tell you if I can't do an updated. But I promise, I'll try my hardest. Depending on howmany people actually want me to carry on.

Hope you enjoy. XX


Chapter One

A yawn escaped the flawless plump lips of the young boy as he sat in class, his head resting in his palm. The clock ticked as Mr Smith droned on about politics or some nonesense. Sunshine flooded through the thin cloth over the windows. Summer holidays were about to begin, in T-minus 42 seconds. The faded-brunette haired boy watched the clock wearily, waiting for the second hand to reach the twelve. 14 seconds left. His foot tapped the floor impatiently, a small bead of sweat leaving his forehead.

The school bell sounded throughout the large school, cheers errupted from the students. 2 months holidays were about to begin. Every student raced to the already packed hallway, girls squealing with their friends planning beach parties, boys high-fiving their mates as they made loud remarks about seeing girls in a bikini. The boy walked to his locker, smiling as he listened to the conversations around him. He began to loosen his tie as he heard a shout, "Oi Michael!" The green fringed boy turned towards the source of the deep voice. Luke Hemmings, his best friend, strutted over with Calum following behind, his gaze following the girls that walked past. Their skirts pulled up so they're short.

Michael shut his locker door, untying his tie entirely. "What's up man?" He laughed, giving Luke a man hug. "Come to mine tonight? Pool party!" Michael laughed at Luke's loudness. He nodded, sighing happily. "Yeah, sure. I'll be over at 7:30." Luke's smile broadened, as he walked off.

Walking home in solitude, Michael shoved his hands in his blazer. Wanting to get home quick, sweat dripped off his forehead. His newly dyed green fringe stuck to him. The Sydney sunshine beat down on his as he watched the ground. Arriving at his house, he fumbles for his keys. He strolled up the stairs and into his room. Discarding all of his clothes to the floor, he changed into boardshorts. Picking up a muscle tank off the floor, he brought it up to his nose. Taking a wiff, he had a half-hearted smile as he put it over his head. Travelling back down the stairs, he went to the den downstairs where the boys would practice. Luke, Calum and Michael were in a band, 5 Seconds of Summer, but they were in need of a drummer. Pulling out his phone, Michael checked his facebook for the billionth time that day. Still no one had replied to his request of a drummer. He sighed loudly as he sat on the arm of the couch.

Balancing the guitar on his knee, he strummed random chords. Trying to busy himself until 7, he wrote down lyrics. Finally, his phone showed 7:00. He grabbed his guitar and trekked it back to the front door. The sharp air hit him as he opened the door, the summer heat was so different to the air conditioned house he was in only moments ago. The boy turned around and locked the door before starting the 30 minute walk to his best friends house.

Michael shaded his eyes with his hand as the sun started to set. Lowering over the west, he walked towards it. Admiring the beautiful cascade of pinks, oranges and yellows covering the once blue sky, he could faintly hear the sound of music and thumping bass. Crowds of people soon came in sight as he neared Luke's house. Girl's in bikini's and boys shirtless covered the front yard of his house. A few people flashed a smile to the pale boy as he walked up the steps to the already opened front door. Heavy steps came down the foyer stairs, "Michael! You're finally here!" Calum's boyish voice shouted over the loud music. The floor shook beneath Michael's feet, "Of course, there's no way I'd miss this. Girl's everywhere!" Michael winked towards Calum, earning a smirk in return. "Wait 'til you see out the back."

Michael nodded, already walking towards the sliding double doors. Sliding the glass doors open, he could see Luke in the water, balancing Shanaya, his girlfriend, on his shoulders. Her tanned arms were outstretched towards a girl that Michael had never seen before. She was perched ontop of a boy that once again, Michael had never seen. He kept staring at the handsome boy. His deep dimples present as he laughed. His face nearly halfway under the water, Shanaya pushed the girl off of his shoulders.

Someone came up behind Michael and nudged him slightly. He turned his head to be greeted by his tanned bandmate, "They're new. They live next door. Ashton Irwin and his younger sister, Leah." A smile curved slightly at the corner of Michael's lips. "Even better news, he might be our new drummer." Calum chuckled. Michael's eyes widened. He quickly walked to the kitchen, trying to avoid civilization for long enough to think.

Michael has known for a while that he was bi-sexual. But this was different, the attraction between him and Ashton. He had to let it slide. If he was going to be their new drummer, there was no way he could do anything with him.

His hand gripped the marble counter as he let his head fall. Grabbing a quick glass of water, he swallowed it and shook his head. Closing his eyes for a second, he regained his composure and turned towards the back door once again. He could see Ashton balancing his fragile-framed sister on his shoulder, obviously going for round two. A smirk crossed Michael's face whilst he quickly through his top to the floor and ran towards the pool. Reaching the edge, he bent his knees and jumped. Pulling his knees to his chest, he squeezed his eyes shut. The cold water surrounded his skin as a giant splash errupted from the center of the pool, right inbetween Luke and Ashton.

Surfacing the water, Michael shook out his hair. A spray of water droplets leaving the tips of his coloured hair. Using his hand to position it to one side, he felt a hand on his shoulder as Luke went to highfive him. "Hey man. Thanks for that." He laughed loudly. A nervous laugh quietly sounded next to Michael. He turned slightly, only to become face to face with Ashton. "Hey, you're Ashton right? I'm Michael, but call me Mikey!" Ashton nodded, his eyes lighting up as he shook hands with Michael. "You're gonna be our new drummer, right?" Michael said, stepping back a bit. "Hopefully!" Ashton replied cheerfully. "Great! We're in desperate need!" Michael laughed, soon followed by Luke.

Shanaya soon joined us, standing in front of Luke. He snaked his arms around her petite waist. Her tanned skin and dark brown hair contrasted against Luke's pale skin and blonde hair. "Have you met Leah?" Her voice sounded, still having that slight kiwi accent. Leah smiled as she walked over to us, her pale skin vibrant against her electric blue eyes. Her sequined black bikini contrasted against her white body, so delicate. Her stomach and waist were tiny, only allowing us to notice the scars covering her hips and lower stomach. The newest ones only barely visible as the water covered her. Her freshly died red hair was the most eye catching feature. Pulled up into a messy bun, Michael slowly started to smile. He knew they'd soon become close friends.

The evening soon turned to night as the party raged on. Ashton and Leah soon became friends with everyone. Soon enough, the stars started to illuminate the black sky. Guests started to leave as the sticky heat still stuck around. The band, Shanaya and Leah decided to stay and crash at Luke's, seeing as though they had nothing better to do. Falling asleep on couches, floors and spare beds, they drifted into dreamless sleeps. Fidgeting because of the humid atmosphere, the aircon made the house interior freezing. But it still wasn't enough for the Australian heat.

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