Chapter Two

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Two updates in one night, that's lucky. ;) I hope yous like it, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me feedback. I don't know whether or not to continue. :\



Chapter Two

The sun beat down through the windows, the heat causing everyone’s body to stick to whatever surface they slept on. Sounds of sizzling bacon, eggs frying and toasters popping up, the smells of breakfast wafter through the giant house. Shanaya and Leah work their way around the kitchen, cooking the 4 males, and themselves, a feast. Luke sat on the stool, sleepily watching them. Calum was already up and doing laps of the pool, taking advantage  of the summer heat. Ashton groggily stood up from the couch and found his way to the kitchen. Taking only a few steps, he fell to the floor as his foot collided with a persons torse. Stumbling to his feet, he walks over to the person he tripped over. The barely familiar green fringe stuck to Michael’s face as he groaned. “Really Ash?” Ashton freaked out nervoulsy, helping Michael to sit up.

“Sorry! I’m so sorry Mike. I didn’t see you. I was half asleep! I’m so sorry!” He rambled on quickly. “Ash, shush.” Michael chuckled quietly, placing a tired hand on Ashton’s bare shoulder. Keeping eye contact, Ashton felt himself blush ever so slightly. All too soon, Michael left from his spot on the floor. “Food!” He yelled, earning a cheeky giggle from Leah. A small wave of jealousy washed over Ashton. He has always been gay, but no one knows. Not even his sister.

“Calum! Get your ass in here!” Shanaya yelled as she placed the last of the bacon on a large plate. Everyone sat around the large rectangular table, bowls of fruit salad, scrambled eggs and plates of toast, bacon and fried eggs were placed in a line down the middle of the table. Sauces, salt and pepper were placed directly in the middle of the line. Calum sat at the head of the table, Luke to his left, followed by Shanaya, then Leah. On the otherside of the table, Michael and Ashton sat next to eachother. Sitting across from Michael, Leah shot his a genuine smile.

Eating their morning feast, the boys all laughed and joked around. Finishing up every last crumb, Ashton cleaned up. The rest of the boys whispered across the table to one another. “So, is he in the band?” Michael questioned. Calum shook his head and shrugged. Luke looked over at Ashton as he placed the plates into the dishwasher, “He has to show us what he can do first.” They all grinned in unison. “Ash! Come with us!” Luke yelled as he stood up. Walking towards the downstairs den, he lifted his hand up, gesturing Ashton to follow.The girls jumped in the pool, not bothering with going down. The instruments were placed in specific places, as if on stage. The bass drum already had the 5SOS symbol across the shell. Grabbing sheet music, the boys asked Ash to sit on the couch and watch them before he showed them what he could do. Holding the guitar in his arms, Michael started strumming the chords to the newest song they wanted to cover. Teenage Dirtbag, the old hit single of Wheatus.

Ashton sat quietly, intently listening to them. Tapping his hands against his legs, wishing he could just stand up and join them. The song came to a close, Luke and Calum were out of breath. Michael jerked his head towards the drums. “Your shot.” Nerously, Ashton walked towards the drum set as Michael and Calum went to sit down. Luke was still going to do vocals as Ashton auditioned. Smiling at the brand new, barely used drum set, he gripped the drumsticks in his hand. Taking a quick glance at the sheet music, he took a deep breath and just went for it. Drumming away, he lost himself in the sound of the cymbals and  drums.

Coming to a close, Luke looked over at Calum and Michael. Wanting an answer, the two boys nodded excitedly. Luke grinned, turning back to Ashton. “Welcome to the band.” He yelled with his arms open. “W-What? Really?” Ashton nervously stuttered. “Of course!” Calum retorted excitedly. “Now come give us a hug! It’s the least you can do.” Luke said jokingly. Ashton scarmbled to Luke, only to be crushed in a group hug. Collapsing onto the couch, the boys piled onto Ashton.

“Guys, can’t breathe.” Ashton said through his short breaths. Laughing loudly, the boys stood up. “Okay, lets get the christmas tree up then we can video our cover of Teenage Dirtbag with our new drummer.” Luke laughed, walking towards the cupboard in the back corner. Pulling out an already decorated tree, he placed it next to the drum kit. Clasping his hands together, Ashton has a confused expression plastered on his face as he chuckled.

After recording and posting the video, Ashton has gained at least 720 followers on twitter within the next 2 hours. He smiled and felt butterflies at the thought of becoming famous. Michael pat him on the back, bringing Ash out of his daze. “You’ll love this. The fame. The music. The fans. Our friendship.” Michael smiled, then contiuned. “The girls.” He winked. Ashton chuckled awkwardly, not know if he should tell them he was gay. Deciding against it, he followed them up the stairs and back into the pool.

Watching everyone splash around, Ashton squinted through his dark sunglasses. Making his way down the stairs, the water was just at the hem of his shorts. The sun rays shone against his pale abs. Michael couldn’t help but steal a glance. Calum noticed the sneaky look and quickly splashed him. Michael look back at the boy, receiving raised eyebrows from the brown eyed boy. Michael let out a sigh as he got out of the pool, walking up stairs to the spare room he usually stays in every other weekend.

Discarding his clothing, Michael jumped into the shower. The cool water trailed down his front as he leaned back against the cold tiles. “What are you doing Michael?” He closed his eyes, the darkness showed Ashton’s smiling face. The giant grin spread across his barely tanned face, his deep dimples showing. His cheeks caused his light hazel coloured eyes to crease at the side. The boy Michael only met yesterday, was the one that he couldn’t stop thinking about. He believed it was impossible to feel something for him when all he knows is his name. But it was happening, and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold it in.

Ashton lounged on his towel beside the pool, the sun slowly heating up his stomach. With his hands under his head, he allowed the december heat to engulf him. He closed his eyes, thinking of the future for 5SOS. He knew they were going to go far. They were going to escape Sydney and explore the world, performing in sold out theatres and arenas. Hundreds of screaming girls waiting to meet them. And Ashton promised to himself that he would meet every single one of them.

Turning off the shower, Michael exited the shower and wrapped a towel tightly around his waist. Walking over to the nearby balcony, a dreamy sigh escaped the turned up corner of his lips. Ashton was laying beside the pool, tanning his precious abs. His hair in knotted curls from the chlorine. His toned arms, flex as he lays his head on his hands.

Not being able to tear away his gaze, Michael doesn’t even care if Ashton was watching him stare.

Ashton lay there, his eyes drooping in and out of sleep. The sun was probably burning his skin but he didn’t care, because he noticed Michael suddenly appear on the balcony above him. The died brunette started at him intently, a look of awe masking his rounded face. Ashton purposely flexed his biceps and sucked in his stomach a bit. Hoping for more attention from the boy he’d met less than 24 hours ago. Being able to see through the glass barrier, Ashton could see a small bulge from underneathe the loose fitting towel. He lifted up his sunglasses, squinting at the bright light. He looked at the bulge then back at Michael’s eyes, allowing a flirtacious wink to occur.

Michael looked down, following Ashton’s gaze. His eyes widened as he realised he was slowly getting aroused by the sight of the chiseled man. He looked up quickly, watching Ashton wink seductively. A slight groan errupted in the back of Michael’s throat. Quickly, he ran back into the bathroom and got dressed. He splashed some water onto his face and stopped thinking about Ashton’s shirtless body. “I’m screwed.” Michael whispered faintly to his reflection in the mirror. “What are you doing?” Shakily, he ran a hand through his half dried hair.

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