Chapter 1

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Honestly I might have wet my pants a little. If not for my excellent bladder control of course. The man in front of me was large, burly, scowling and had hands that seemed to have the ability to crush my head into a pancake.

I gulped.


Because that's obviously what you say to a ten foot gangster. Hi. Might as well invite him for lattes and cookies while I was at it.

The man's already deep scowl managed deepen itself even more "What do you want?"

"I'm here to see the Prince," I managed to stutter out. Saying it out loud made me even sound less sure of myself. I had no idea what I was doing. It would be wiser to turn on my heels and bolt with as much speed as my twiggy legs could muster. If I was lucky the police would come by with some helpful news by tomorrow.

But truthfully, I couldn't. That was the main reason I'd come here. The police force here was a joke. Four days and they hadn't been able to provide any solid leads.

"Why?" He barked.

"He owes me a debt," my voice was louder. The buff man looked at me in disbelief "What the fuck did you just say?"

"I said that the Prince owes me a debt," my voice was wobbly. This was a terrible idea. I should have just run when I had the chance. But the words were already out of my mouth so there was no way this man would let me go without some sort of clarifying explanation.

He stalked closer to me, more intimidating than before "The Prince owes no one debts. He always pays them in full."

"Well he hasn't done so to mine," I informed. "Please if he's in just let him know. I'm not lying." I didn't add that there was no way I'd be lying about this. I had no actually reason since this was the very last place I wanted to be in.

The bouncer glared at me for a moment, then relented "Follow me." The people who stood behind me all groaned since I was admitted into the club while they weren't allowed in yet. If they knew why I was going in, I wouldn't be so envied.

I didn't even envy me.

Inside the club my entire body thrummed at the sensation of heavy dub step pulsing in the area. I maneuvered past dancing bodies, some grinding and others energetically dancing anyhow. The last time I'd been to a club was when I was 17, newly graduated from high school with a poorly done fake ID and a pocket full of dreams. Experiencing it all over again made me realize that I really didn't miss it. The buff bouncer led me through a door close to the ladies room which led upstairs.

The walls I walked through were painted gold with tiny little scratches indicating that several people had the habit of running their hands over the walls as they walked up the stairs. I noticed a tiny little red spatter too. It was almost unnoticeable – as though whoever had cleaned the rest of it missed this spot.

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