Chapter 1. My First Day!

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Darkgon P.O.V

I can't believe it that my first visit in Inkopolis will begin, I'm standing on an unknown stage which it is near to the Inkopolis, I saw a magazine that in Inkopolis has new headgears, new clothing, and new shoes, sadly I am wearing a White Headband, a Basic Tee, and Cream Basics, hope I have enough money to buy some fresh clothes, before I going to the Inkopolis I saw my reflection on a crack window, my hair is navy blue and my eyes are magenta, I had a complicated life because I wanted to meet new friends, however they ran away of scariness for my magenta eye colors, I looked down on the floor, very sad, but this day will be different, I am very sure they don't care about my eye color, I put my fist on the air and I yelled of happiness inside of me " I BELIEVE THAT MY GOAL WILL BE SUCCESS!" Okay it's time! I said, stretching all my body, and I became into a squid to super jump to the Inkopolis.

I arrived to the Inkopolis, I slowly opened my eyes, when I did my first sight, I wowed that Inkopolis is very huge, more than I thought, I saw many inklings with their fresh clothing, and with their favorite weapons, I walked all around of Inkopolis to see how does look like every inch, moreover I've been distracted watching the Lobby Tower, for some reason I feel uneasy that something is left on that tower, but I could not figure out. Two minutes later The Squid Sisters break news, and my eyes got sparkled that I am watching the Squid Sisters on TV, I feel so happy, anyways the Squid Sisters talked that a legendary creature, The Great Zapfish was missed by an U.F.O, they said that mysteriously it was gone, everyone in Inkopolis were upset that they cannot play ranked battles, but turf wars can play, I saw my hands shaking of frustration, "if I can do everything to save Inkopolis" I said, grumpy. Accidentally I bumped to someone, but he is upset, "Watch your step, would you!?" said the inkling boy, pushing me, "I am sorry, I distracted", "You are lying, C'mon let's make that boy a lesson!" said the Inkling boy, holding a Splat bomb with his team. I gulped and ran away from them, but I did not have escape, "Oh no, a dead end?" I said scared, mysteriously an old man came from a sewer "Psst, hey bucko over here!" said the old man, shaking his hand of c'mon. I said to myself "Should I believe him, ugh I don't have choice!" I said desperately.

 I turned into squid and entered the sewer without the bad inklings notice me, the road of the sewer is longer and I arrived to an unknown place. I did not arrive very well, I fell. "Ow." I said, sore.  "Looks like you are very nervous on your first day, don't you Darkgon? Said the old man inkling, holding his Legendary Cap. "Huh, who are you?, how do you know my name, and what is this place" I said, sobbing my back and standing up. "Ho ho ho, don't worry I'm not your enemy, my name is Cap'n Cuttlefish, leader of the legendary Squidbeak Splatoon, this place is called the Octo Valley, where Octorians and Octolings live here. "(Octorians and Octolings?, what does he talking about?)" I said in my head, scratching my neck. "I am still asking how do you know my name?" I said with a nervous expression. "I recognize inklings easily that wear basic clothes, also for your magenta eye colors looks mysterious, so I recognized easily your name." Said Cap'n cuttlefish. "Oh, so why you called me anyways?" I said, crossed arms. "You heard the missing of the Great Zapfish?" Said Cap'n Cuttlefish. "Yes, I heard from the announcement of the Squid Sisters, I love their songs, I am their biggest fan" I said with a big smile and shaking my hands of happiness. "Ok, the Great Zapfish was kidnapped by Octorians!" Said Cap'n Cuttlefish, swinging his rod up and down. "Octorians?" I said, raising my left eyebrow. " I guess you don't know about the story, hundred years ago was about a friendly war between inklings and Octorians, they made many intense challenges, inklings got their victory, however the Octorians were upset that needed more power to defeat us, so they currently stole the Great Zapfish and tiny zapfishs to give more power and make the inkopolis defenseless. Said Cap'n Cuttlefish. "So that is what happened now..." I said speechless. "I would like to save the Great Zapfish of myself, but I am too old to do those missions, Darkgon I need you to save the Great Zapfish!" Yelled Cap'n Cuttlefish, holding my shoulder. " What!?, but I did not practice a weapon for three weeks ago." I said with a surprised face. "Darkgon, I know you are scared to do those missions, but I know you wished that you want to become a hero and be a good teammate, well this it is your chance to become your wish true." Said Cap'n Cuttlefish, pointing his rod at the sky.  "I did not think this before, okay, I accept to help you!" I said eagerly. "That's the spirit, but it is better to start tomorrow, you look so tired for your first day in Inkopolis." Said Cap'n Cuttlefish. "Yeah, I'll need money to buy an apartment and rest." I said. " It is not necessary, the apartments are free, just choose an apartment that looks good to you." said Cap'n Cuttlefish. "Wow, that is great, well I got to go, see you again boss." I said turning into squid and returning to the Inkopolis.

I returned to the Inkopolis, looking to an apartment, obviously I love apartments that have good look at the plaza, I took a new apartment that is at the Flounder Heights. I did my first steps of my new apartment, it looks so cool and neat, although it is very cold but whatever. anyways has four rooms, a living room including a plasma TV and a sofa, also a kitchen but no food, of course. I opened the four room doors and I saw that have a comfy bed, a closet, and two windows one to see the Inkopolis and another to see the training room. it is now almost ten o'clock, I deeply yawned and I choose a room that is little warm, even this apartment is cold, I feel comfortable. Let's see how will be my skills when I save the zapfishs and the Great Zapfish.


Hey guys Darkgon is here, well as I promised I remaked the story again, and I like it to myself, this is like I wanted, like a story, at the beginning I wrote like theater role which I did not like it, but I tried again to make into a story. Hope you like it, hope you can give me votes and comments. Well Darkgon's out! :D

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