Chapter 2. Saving a Friend!

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Darkgon's P.O.V

It's now in morning, I woke up and put my basic clothes, It is now to start my job saving the Great Zapfish, but before I ate a crabby cake that Cap'n gave me for breakfast. I walked to Inkopolis, and I saw many inklings that are getting fun each other, for me I'm bad to meet new friends, I always shutter and my hands tremble for nervousness, but hope that I can at least meet a friend that I can have fun with him or her. I walked to the sewer turning into squid and enter the sewer.

At this time I arrived perfect time to the Octo Valley, and I saw Cap'n Cuttlefish holding a special outfit. "Hey boss, I am ready for my first mission!" I said, with my fist on my chest. "Wait, before you start your first mission, here take this." Said Cap'n Cuttlefish, holding something for me. "Woah a new outfit!?" I said with happiness. "It's called Hero Suit, you are now as Agent 3!" Said Cap'n Cuttlefish. "Why Agent 3?" I said with my left eyebrow raised. "Agent 1 and Agent 2 are my allies, currently they are in searching evidence of Octorians and the Great Zapfish." said Cap'n Cuttlefish. "Oh understood." I said nodded.

I put in my Hero suit which are Hero Headset, Hero suit, and Hero Runners, I walked few steps, but before I leave Cap'n Cuttlefish gave the Hero shot, one of the agent weapons and also unique that does not exist in stores. I saw my weapon and ran to the first fortress to start my mission, but everything is clear, Cap'n said that are kettles over there, but I don't see anything, however I shot using with my weapon and I saw an invisible kettle, then I shoot many times that become visible, "Alright, my first mission, BEGINS!" I said, eager. I turned into squid and enter the first kettle.

I arrived to the first battlefield, I opened my eyes and looks very different than outside of Octo Valley, I inked a little to the stage and turned into squid to a tiny platform. I moved a little my head to the front to see where is the little zapfish, I saw that is at the very top of a platform, but there are some unusual creatures, according to the Cap'n device there are Octopi, just be careful with their shoots or you will be splatted. when I did my first step, and octopi noticed me and started to shoot, but glad I dodged and I did my payback to the Octopi and was splatted, I sighed because I was too scared to be splatted. I ran instead of swim as a squid because I was desperate to catch the Zapfish once for all, even I did not think of that I arrived at the final platform but there are last three Octopi, they started to point me to shoot, I saw to the left side that is a can that is included with a special weapon, I opened the can to see what it is inside, and it was an Inkzooka, on of the basics special weapons, I put my finger on the trigger and started to shoot quickly to the Octorians, they are splatted and the Inkzooka disappeared which is bad luck to me ha ha ha. Otherwise I saw the Zapfish, I was try to touch it, but was protected by a powerful barrier, saying with the Cap'n Cuttlefish device says with just with my own ink and my weapon can break the barrier. so I shot the barrier and quickly I grabbed the Zapfish and my victory was success.

I super jumped to the Cap'n Cuttlefish hideout and showed him my first Zapfish, he was very proud of me and said. "Excellent job Darkgon, you should need to rest because other mission will be in serious challenges". Said Cap'n Cuttlefish. "Thank you boss, I feel so confident of myself, and I will do my missions with caution, I believe it." I wave him as a good bye and then I returned to the Inkopolis back, I looked to everyone, they are seem very happy joining friends and making a lot of fun, still I am sad that I did not meet a friend since my first day in the Inkopolis, I saw the Lobby Tower, and I did not notice that is huge to see with the sight of the sun, I inspired of myself, saving the Inkopolis as I can, but I can't do it for myself, while Agent 1 and Agent 2 are still in searching, I need a partner for sure. I turned around and go to my apartment to rest, but I saw a royal inkling blue girl crying and sitting on a bench, I felt so sad that I didn't want to left her like this, so I walked to her to see what is her problem.  

"Hey are you ok?" I said, "Huh?, yeah I am okay..." Said the Blue Girl, looking at Darkgon. "Here, let me just help you up, ok?" I said giving my hand to help her. "Thanks." Said the Blue Girl, standing up. "So, why are you crying anyways? I said, crossing my arms. "I am new in Inkopolis, so I asked some inklings if someone can help me to guide, but no one wanted to help me,  and I feel so lost." Blue Girl said. " Hey don't cry I can help you anything, I met inkopolis since three days and I know most all the plaza." I said smiling. "Really!?, oh thank so much, ok could you help me where is the Ammo Knights?" said Blue Girl. "The Ammo Knights?, well we are in the Booyah Base, just go to the Northwest passing at the green store." I said, "Oh thank you so much for help me" said Blue Girl, hugging me. "Y-yeah n-no problem" I said shuttered.

So she ran to the Ammo Knights, but before, "Hey um...can you tell me your name?" said the Blue Girl, scratching her cheek. "Darkgon is my name, also could you tell me your name too?" I said, calmly. "He he he call me Firi, your new friend!" Firi said, smiling and ran out to the store. ("New friend!?, I don't know how I did that, just I did be nice, so that is the way to get new friends, please hope so.") I said, talking in my mind.

After Firi tell me her name, I ran to the apartment and rest, please if I can hang out with Firi to know each other, I bet it will be cool, I entered to my apartment, it's still cool enough, and I forgot to buy some fresh clothes, well the next time I will not forget, I entered to my room and sleep and waiting for a new day.

Firi's P.O.V

"Wow, that boy, Darkgon is really nice inkling, hope if I can hang out with him, I hope we will getting fun, please."

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