"That darned cat!"

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(Authors note: i dont usually do this but this is a more sensitive topic related to self-harm. It may be triggering. Do not read unless you are comfortable! If any of you do feel this way, please DM me or leave something on my message board if you want to talk. I'm always open for chats!)

I cut

I cry

I starve

I try

Tears constantly pool

At the bottom of my eyes

"The cat did it"

"Its okay, i'm fine."

Nothing is below my sweater paws

Other than the scars left

As the blade cut me with it's jaws

Battle wounds I inflicted upon myself

With more wars I fight

Deeper the knives shall delve.

It's not a mask

It's my face

I learnt to contort

And learnt to hate

As you ask whats the matter

Though you can't relate

I smile saying I am okay

But I really want to escape.

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