"I don't care."

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my heart,
shielded with armor of
spiteful words
and a face
masked by

i heard you moved on
somewhere down the road you
found yourself
a lover.

i knew,
i wasn't good enough.
i never was.

to drink my feelings and visit
the bottom of the bottle
of the liquor you
hated with such passion,
was my forte.

but you
you in your high-end dress shoes
crisp ironed suits
of vanilla and
the cologne you got overseas.

i laugh
because it didn't matter anymore
who you dated
who you saw
it is not as if
you revolved around me
or that you were my whole world.

a tip of my glass
a familar glint in my eye
i choke back the truth
and cough out
"it's not like i care."

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