chpt 1

21 0 0

fear the darkness

the darkness is what I always been stuck in and there never seemed to be a way out for me either , there may never be.

I wanted to be seen the same as the other kids , I didn't want to hide or worry about the what "ifs" but in reality we all have to deal with our own shit. I don't worry about things in life because tomorrow might be my last day and I want to go out with a BANG , I don't even think about my future anymore , why you may ask ? because I planed on ending the pain , I planned on running from the old life and pain that I felt for my whole life and no one ever helped me with it, no they watch me slowly become shy , they let me go into the darkness. everyone let my go into the black pitch hole that pulls me down , it seems to not have any effect on them but only on me ,over time they hold on but I slip and slip and slip until only two finger are holding on but over time not even that stops me from falling into it . that's when the darkness over comes me and then there is nothing else , just pitch black coldness ,just like me.

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