chpt 7

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~star point of view~
I woke to the sound of people talking
"So how did things work out ?" a male voice said before moving closer to me
"Fine , she's been worked up , send your sister help her into some new clothes and shower " a lower and smoother voice said
"Yea ,ok I'll go talk to Riley " the one says and I freaked out
"No ones touching me " i said as I got up
"Oh shit she's awake "the other guy said before running out
"its not up to you , now sit down or I'll put you back to sleep " the guy from the bus says to me or otherwise the killer. I looked at him and then the boor ,no I did have any chance of making it but hell I was going to try .
I ran for it and some how I made it around him but he as faster then I had thought and he graded me before sticking the tranquilizer in my arm as he had done before but this time he let me fall to the floor .

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