chpt 5

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I woke up to a bright light beaming down on me as
I relaxed and enjoyed the feeling it gave me , peace and hope . I looked out at the window and thought of a plan to what I was going to do and all I could get was getting off this bus.I realized that I had no clue about what I was doing or going to do , I realized that I couldn't make it on my own and it started tearing at me from the inside just thinking that I made it this far only to fail . It was pure torture.

" how can you go from relaxed to freaking the fuck out ? Your face shows it all,tell me what's bothering you " a male voice besides my seat says to me
" I have things on my mind, I don't plan on letting you know them " I said cruelly so he would get the hint that I didn't want to talk or have dinner or anything else
" that's ok because I wasn't asking I was telling " the voice said before moving into my line of vision and I nearly pissed me self.
He Gave me a way to run and a chance that I could live ,he can and will take it from me . to be given just to be token away ,what a great way to end things I thought to myself before he grabbed me and sticking something in my arm before I could do anything.
soon later I felt sleepy and I can't hold off anymore .

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