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"Baby girl, your little boyfriend is here!" the girl's mom yelled loudly from downstairs. Her mom's comment was followed by a couple chuckles. The girl blushed and checked to see if everything was correct. Her makeup was done nicely, her causal yet country club like dress flattering the girl's average size build, and she had everything in her purse. The girl double-checked to see if she had the anniversary gift for her boyfriend. She was ready for her anniversary date with her lovable boyfriend.

"Baby girl, don't keep your lover waiting!" her mom yelled once more from downstairs. The girl yelped and walked downstairs. Her boyfriend stood next to her mom, patiently waiting for her. He wore a light gray polo, beige khakis, and dress shoes.

"You look beautiful, sweetheart! You ready?" her boyfriend said. For their 2nd year of being together, her boyfriend wanted to take her out to the country club that his parents, members of that country club, go to. Usually they stay at one of their homes and do couple things or go out to arcades, the movies, or cafes.

"Yes, I'm ready. Bye Mom," said the girl with a sweet smile. She and her boyfriend then walked out of her house. Before they got into her boyfriend's slick sports car, the girl got on her tipy-toes and pecked her boyfriend's lips. The boy chuckled, "Your lips taste like cherries!"

"Maybe because I have cherry chapstick on?" the girl chuckled. Her boyfriend let out a sweet laugh and kissed her forehead. The couple then entered the sports car and drove to the country club. As they were driving to the country club, the couple talked about their school days.

"You excited for summer? Because I am!" the boy said. The girl smiled and nodded. She then said, "I'm very excited because number one, no homework, and number two, I get to spend more time with you!"

Her boyfriend chuckled and nodded in agreement. A couple minutes later, they pulled up to a large estate, the country club. They got out of the sports car and entered the restaurant part of the country club. The couple was then greeted by a friendly-looking waiter.

"Table of two?" the waiter asked politely. They nodded and the waiter led them to a table with two chairs. The couple took their seats and began ordering.

"What can I get you two for drinks?" the waiter asked. The girl knew she would get an iced tea, but her boyfriend beat her to the punch. Her boyfriend then answered, "I'll have a glass of root beer and an iced tea for the miss! Extra sugar in the iced tea."

The waiter nodded and wrote down their drink orders while the girl chuckled. Once again, the waiter then asked, "Do you two know what you want for dinner?" before taking out his mini notepad. The girl answered, "A large crab cake for both of us with caesar salads."

The waiter wrote down the food orders and walked away. As they waited for their dinner, the couple resumed talking about their days. The boy then told his girlfriend, "You won't believe what one of my friends told me today."

"Why, what happened?" the girl asked.

"He lost it to a ninth grader! I mean he could of at least did it with someone our age or not at all, but ninth grader?!" the girl's boyfriend exclaimed. The girl was silent for moment until she said, "Speaking of...that...there's something I need to tell you."

"You did it?!" the boy whispered-yelled, his voice laced with heartbrokenness. The girl rapidly shook her head, no, and said, "No, no, no! It's the exact opposite!"

Her boyfriend looked at her confusedly. She felt like the world was coming to an end. The girl was prepared to say, "No, I'm not broken," if he asked about why she was asexual. She took a deep breath and said, "I'm asexual."

"Oh! That's cool!" the boy said with a smile. The girl was confused that her lovable boyfriend didn't question it. She then asked, "You're not questioning? All the other people asked if something in my brain was broken that doesn't allow me to have a sexual drive..."

Her boyfriend gently grabbed her hands and looked into the girl's eyes. He softly smiled at her with love. The next four words he said made that girl's day.

"No, you're not broken."

No, I'm Not BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now