The Fate Came True

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Percy Pov

I woke up with tubes and things sticking out everywhere. I saw Annabeth at my side her head lay flat against my fore arm, I think she was sleeping I tried to talk but I couldn't than I realized that there was a tube down my throat to breath for me I tried to move but I could only do it a little bit just enough for Annabeth to wake up. " why the where a-, Percy oh you're awake it's been 5 days since the accident you can't talk and don't move your to unstable you could hurt yourself even worse than now " she had said. I felt like a shadow I felt not totally there and with everything . I felt like someone was pulling my body somewhere I didn't want to go. I screamed in my mind because of the tube in my throat, but Annabeth could tell something was wrong she looked at me weird than she ran to the door way and yelled down the hall " help please help somethings wrong".
Just than Will ran in and was fiddling with wires just than I felt like I was floating and I watched as my spirit lifted out of my body. Than I saw my Annabeth turn into the monstrosity herself Gaea. She laughed at the terrorizing sight just than I realized that I was dead Gaea had poisoned me and I was gone but Annabeth is also dead. Also am I engaged to Gaea . I found myself at the entrance of the underworld with the three lines and I saw cerberus he looked very excited to see me I walked through the middle line under Cerberus's belly. I found myself in front of the judge " Percy Jackson, died from the revenge of Gaea. Poised to death, you have been excepted into Elysium or if you'd like rebirth" the judge said
" I choose Elysium." I said
Than I found myself at the entrance to Elysium I walked in and looked around all I needed to do was find Annabeth.
I looked at all the houses all of them were different not one the same as another, than I saw a beautiful house with architectural design, I saw the mail box it said my name . I walked in the door and heard someone crying than I saw who it was, it was Annabeth.
" Annabeth?" I said happily
" Percy? Percy! It's you I can't believe that you're here" she kissed me while tears streamed down our cheeks " why are you here how did you die" she said
" Gaea pretended to be you and poisoned me and now I'm here" I said

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.P.S.I'm sorry for the late update

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