Tigre or Tricks

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Aly looked at the list of groups, one glance it her group and one word came to mind. Why? It was her, Dyaln, and Payton. Topic, Firefly and Tigre. How, oral. Class, Current Events, her second to worst one. Which she was surrey by, most current events involved Firefly, so herself, but she could grasp the concept of what she did they day before. She just shrugged it off, and tried not to cry externally.

"Hey, two-eyes," Dylan said as she approached him, Payton was still in the mob of people. Dylan had called her two-eyes as a joke ever since she broke her glasses. She didn't mind. Somehow even though Hannah knew the truth about Aly, and as did most of the school by then, she still continued to harass her.

Aly sat down at the table the Dylan was sitting at, and pulled out her taplob. "Why do you bring that everywhere?" Dylan asked, as he eyed it with slight curiosity.

"If I don't bring it with me Nate will claim it as his," Aly explained, not noticing that Payton apporching them. It had been akward between the two since Valentines Day.

"Dude," Dylan started, "If your ever sick of your family you are more than welcomed to come live with us."

"Thanks," Aly responded, "but Nate is finally moving out within this year." She did a stupid, little fist pump I the air, and almost hit Payton in the face. "Sorry," she wimpered quickly.

"Why don't you like your brother, he seems nice when I talk to him," Payton wondered.

"He's like that in public, but take Chloe times ten," Aly explained, slightly over exaggerating.

"Who's Chloe?" Dylan asked.

"Lenny's cousin," Payton answered. Aly started searching for informatiin, mainly on BlogFire.

"So, how do we want to do this?" Dylan wondered. Aly had already started making a presentation. She flipped her taplob around for them to see. She basically put in the titles to a few slides.

"We can decide up the topics we need to adress, and go from there," Aly offered.

"Remember," the teacher's voice said over the class, "Give this presentation as if they have no previous knowledge of the topic."

"I call origin," Dylan called out instantly.

"I can work on basic information," Payton said, "which will be very complicated, as he looked at the rubric of the project."

"Then I'll do..." Aly looked down at what ws left, "Effect on society." That included the attacks, and how it would be with out the heros. WHO ARE BOTH IN THIS CLASS, GIVING THE PRESENTATION. sorry, ragy.

"If we need to you guys can come to my house to work on this," Payton offered. As usual, the teacher gave them the project at the end of the class period, and it was the last class.

"What time?" Dylan asked, packing up his stuff.

"Four," Payton shrugged. Aly was busy searching for something on her device. After searching through three folders she found it.

"Got it," she sighed.

"What?" Dylan asked as he looked at the screen. "Your brother gave it to you?"

"Yeah, payment for modeling," Aly answered as she closed her device. She herd Payton snicker, probably remembering when the deal was made.

"You're weird," Dylan comented as the bell rang. The two boys left as Aly made sure she had everything, like her books, her phone, Tiffy. Then Wyatt came up to her.

"Hey," he greater her, sounding more nervious than usual.

"Want to go to the movies, tonight?" Wyatt forced out in a rush. Aly felt terrible, she hasn't been able to properly hang out with Wyatt for a while, but she need to work on the project.

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