Origins of Firefly

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Aly was sitting outside her house, staring down the high school across the street. The school year was coming to an end, and she would be heading off to that school in the year to come. The highschool had just got out and she was waiting for Nate to show up. He had promised to take her to buy new art supplies. It was his last year of high school, and she was happy he would be going of to college, hopefully.

As high schoolers fled the area there was one struggling to carry all their stuff. Aly saw they were about to drop their project, as they tried to readjust their bags. Aly quickly got up and ran over. She grabbed the project right before it fell out of the girls arms. "Thanks," she said when she saw what Aly had done. Aly gave the girl a quick smile. The girl got a better grip on her things and continued on her way.

"Come on, I have other stuff to do," Nate complained from the doorway. Aly had no idea how he managed to get there without her noticing him. Aly quickly ran into the house and up to her room. She grabbed her purse off her desk, she had all her babysitting money and allowance in it.

She took a quick look at herself in the mirror. Her hair was short, like average guy length. She had perfect the way to keep her bangs out of her eyes with her fake glasses. She was wearing a pair of jean shorts that went down to her knees and a random tee shirt. She then ran downstairs to join Nate in the car.

At the art store Aly went right over to the sketch book section while Nate went to the photography area. Aly was deciding which sketchbook to get when there was a loud clatter from one ile over. Aly rushed over to see if someone was hurt. On the round was a box and a bunch of packs of drawing pencils. A worker was on their knees picking them up. Aly rushed over to help them.

"Thanks," the employee told her when they gathered all the pencils. He grabbed one out of the box and handed it to her.

"I..... I.. can't" Aly refused.

"Here's a tip," the guy smirked, "Don't refuse what is given to you." He handed Aly the pencils and started to shelve the other ones. Aly went over and quickly picked out a new sketchbook, and some fancy colored pencils. She met up with Nate after buying them and headed home.

Back in her room she opened the bah of her new stuff, wanting to star drawing something. Sitting on the top of her things was a golden comb. It looked old, but still in gods condition. On the bridge of it was five oval, yellow stones. Aly knew it was not hers, she thought it could be the cashier's. She did fix her hair half way through checking her out.

"I should go return it," Aly thought out loud.

"But it's yours," a voice told her. Aly instantly looked up, to find a small coating being in front of her. It had a large head with large eyes. It's skin was yellow and black and giving of a slight glow.

Aly was internally freaking out. She was a book worm, and loved magic. She was always thinking if ways a story, like the ones she reads in books, could actually happen to her. Some have even wiggled their way into her dreams. At that moment she thought it was a dream, so she bit her arm. Unlike most people who pitch themselves, she bites herself, hard.

"Owww!" Aly interjected, prying her teeth out of her arm.

"Why did you do that?" the little thing asked.

"Making sure this wasn't a dream, there is no refuting it, this is real," Aly said, she didn't feel nervous around the thing, that was probably part of her imagination.

"This is as real as real can be," the UFB (unidentified flying being) laughed.

"How can I be sure I just haven't finally gone completely crazy?" Aly questioned.

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