The encounter

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i jolted up my seat "YES! YES? UM-"
everyone in class was once again staring at me, some shaking their heads in disapproval, some giggling amongst themselves. oh well... i thought to myself. sleeping has become a habit in literature lectures. screw habits. sleeping and literature are words fated to be paired. i excused myself to the toilet, swerving between tables and chairs, grunting to myself.
professor lee kept his gaze on me through my every movement.
shit you professor nap was definitely more precious than your nag...
i mumbled on and on till i reached a corner heading to the restroom.


my head collided into a sturdy...chest?
"watch it." i looked up to the figure right in front of me but he turned away swiftly, walking past me in a millisecond.
rude...wait..was he crying?
i turned back and feeling more confused than ever. I yelled towards his direction.
but his retreating back never turned around.
i decided to brush it off and continued making my way to the restroom.

The bell for lunch break went off. Miya, my best friend, and i scrambled down to the dining hall for our long awaited lunch. We settled down at a long table with our trays and started digging in until murmurs were heard among other students around us.
"Look at his tattoo"
"He looks kinda hot though?"
"What the heck? You're into a gangsta?"
"Wait. Oh shit is he looking at us?"
"Yes yes oh my god look away. dont look at him"

I followed their line of sight and saw a guy sitting alone, eating. A stoic, emotionless expression plastered his face.
I furrowed my brows trying to pick him out from my memory. somewhere...

there. i guessed it right.

He was that cold dude i ran into on my way to the restrooms.
Whats wrong with him -or rather- everyone?

I turned to Miya, the know-it-all in our school.

She whispered to me "Name's jiyong, surname kwon. Colld douchebag who joins underground fights at poise club for quick cash. as u can see for yourself - part time student, part time gangsta. better not run into his lane" "also, he's a transferee kicked out of many schools, came in only today after every other school rejected him. seems like his dad has authority in our school's management team. thats why he' here"
Miya gave me a smug look after her short, detailed speech.

"hmm.." i gave a knowing nod, trying to digest everything while munching on my carrot.

We continued with our lunch and in no time, school finally ended. Miya stayed back in school to work on her project so i decided to walk home alone, dropping by my favourite book store along the way.

"Hey auntie!" i greeted as i swerved into my favourite aisle in the mini bookstore. The aisle of magnificent horror books.
I picked up a book and leaned against the wooden shelve.
hmm..this book looks interesting...
I got lost in my own world for almost 3 hours straight. The sun was already setting, changing the sky into huge a warm orange blanket.

730pm..not too late for dinner

I returned the book and started hopping to a nearby eatery, hoping to grab some sandwiches and a nice warm drink.
Seeing that the main street was crowded with people -couples, businessmen, students- all rushing home to call for a day, i decided to walk through the alley behind the row of shops.

it was obviously one wrong decision...

Right in front of my eyes, a guy in a long sleeved white shirt continuously punched a person who was seemingly unconscious on the floor.
And that guy, was jiyong.

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