Unexpected sparkle

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"jiyong ah"
i shook his arm lightly but it should be hard enough for him to wake up from whatever nightmare he was having.
My mind felt like it had been taken out of my head, hammered into pieces and grinded in a food grinder seeing what this "gangsta" was going through.

What on earth do i do now??? wha- i didn't come
here for this?! i thought to myself, at a loss.

i was about to head out to the staff office to call for some help when a trembling hand gripped onto me. i turned back and saw that his head was still resting on his other arm on the table top. He squeezed his eyes tight as tears continued rolling down his face, wetting the table.
"j-ju-just give me" He struggled to phrase his sentence.
I leaned forward to hear what he was trying to say in between his soft sobs.

"give me..a s-second" he managed to complete.
I looked at him with foreign feelings stirring through my chest and a million questions popped out in my head.


"jiyong ah"

its her. i could hear her.
i struggled to open my eyes as hot tears were gushing out like an open tap, stinging my eyes so bad.
It was here again. the demon inside me.

I felt myself falling. falling 10 metres, 20, then 30 straight down into a deep, black ocean-hell.

As i was falling, the force was so great i could felt wind harshly slapping across my face, overwhelming my entire being.
Air was being punched out of my lungs as i wheezed and battled with suffocation within myself.

These were all not real. And i knew that better than anyone else.
Despite the many experiences i had, i was still completely out of control of my own body. I forced air into my nose, trying to save myself from the choke.

I used all my might to make out an image of the girl right beside me.

I caught sight of her turning around, as if she was running away from me. Unconsciously, i grabbed her thin wrist as fast as i could and choked out a "give me a minute" after much struggle.

i knew i was scaring her. i knew i shouldn't be doing what i was doing. this is all so wrong.

but i couldn't resist it. I couldn't resist a hand within my reach. A hand that was probably the only source of comfort i could get as i tried hard to fight back my sanity and control over my body.

The whirlpool in my head didnt stop.

I fell into the ocean, lurking with monsters threatening to consume my entire being.
As my skin came into contact with the cold waters, i jerked back and sat up straight in my chair. My eyelids splitted open as i looked at nothing in front of me.
This was not the end.


I stood still like a statue, with jiyong gripping my hand as if it was the only thing saving in from whatever was in his head.
I knew he needed me, whether or not he was conscious at that moment.
I let him hold my hand as i looked at him helplessly.

what on earth was going on in his head? 

After an agonizing 5 minutes of just useless staring at him, he jolted upright in his seat, gawking at the whiteboard in front.

great.. he's sober from the nightmare..finally..
i thought i myself, heaving a sigh of relief.

jiyong then broke out into coughs and chokes, hyperventilating as if something invisible was strangling his neck.

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