Figuring him out

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Sunrays spilled into my room as i drowned myself in blankets and pillows. A brand new day awaited me. The first thing that popped into my head, jiyong.
Since the encounter -more like a rollercoaster ride- with him yesterday, he lingered at the back of my head. Since classes start late for me today, i took my own sweet time dressing up, doing my hair. As i put on my school skirt.

wow...this is getting so damn short...

i thought to myself. must be growing taller i guess..

i put all thoughts aside and skipped out of my house. If you were wondering, yes i stay alone. My dad is a businessman, always overseas while my mum is a property agent, which explains why i have a whole apartment to myself, one that she rented through connections.
And myself, an independent student i guess...

i merrily skipped out of my house and headed towards the eatery once again, unconsciously hoping that a particular someone would be there.

i want to know him so much more...
To my slight disappointment, nope. He wasn't there. I hastily grabbed my ham and cheese sandwich and immediately headed to my next destination where i could possibly meet him - school.
I munched on the pieces of ham and drifted into a string of thoughts again

when i see him.. i can possibly say hi right? he better not ignore me...but then again, that is exactly what i can already foresee him doing..

"Watch it."
I heard that deep, familiar voice once again but before i came to my senses, i was harshly pulled behind by my backpack strap. i looked up to see the pole of a streetlamp right smack in front of my face.

I spun around hoping to see him.
Indeed, there he was standing right in front of me. But.. he somehow looked different.
He had pretty puffy eyes and under eyes circles darker than ever.
Before i could even open my mouth, he brushed past me and walked ahead.
I shuffled behind him whispering a "thanks" that i believe he heard.

"can't you watch where you're going?"
"and change that skirt. people are practically ogling" he coldly stated.

I immediately pulled down my skirt and to my surprise, he stepped right in front of me. He then bent down and tied his white and blue varsity jacket around my waist. As he looked over my shoulders, almost hugging me, i could feel his warm breath on my neck. he smelled...nice... i can't but it in words but... he smelled like mint with vanilla and perfume and glitters and angels and heaven

omo omo omo what the hell this is-

"let's go" his soft voice dragged me out of my trance.

We walked side by side, me glancing at him every now and then. he walked in leisure beside me, with his brows furrowed together. He didn't seem to be concentrating on the road while we walk. He looks troubled. And extremely tired. what exactly is he thinking about?

"anything wrong? u look out of it" i tried to start a conversation, despite knowing all i would get is a cold reply.

"thanks.." he murmured as if he was only saying it to himself as he casted his gaze down to the pavement.

"what for??" i probed.

for showing that you care... jiyong thought to himself.
"its nothing"

of course. one cold reply. but im absolutely sure i was once step closer in making him reveal. reveal his thoughts and emotions buried deep inside him.

we reached school in no time and parted ways. jiyong went to the other part of the campus where sciences were taught while i proceed to my arts campus. our campuses were located side by side, which i secretly i like alot...

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