Chapter 1: Baby

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Disclamer: I do not own Doctor Who or any of its characters. I do own my OC, however.

Sarah Jane Smith grinned as she stomped threw the snow with the Doctor and Harry Sullivan.  It was a beutiful winter day in 1982, six years into her own future. 

"Have you enjoyed today, Sarah?" The Doctor asked, giving her one of his maniac grins.

"You know I have, Doctor," she replied, "But it has been missing something."

"I thought you finished your holiday shopping, Ol' Girl," Harry pipped from behind them.

"Harry, don't call me 'Ol' Girl'!" Sarah Jane scolded, "And I have. I ment this..."


Harry stumbled as a large snowball landed in his face. Wipping snow out of his eyes he saw the other two laughing. Preparing his counter atack, he declared WAR on them. Soon snow was flying every which way. No one was on anyone's side. Sarah Jane, taking temporary shelter from the two men, stood in an alley. Gasping for air between chuckles, she could hear the Doctor calling for her to rejoin the game. A sly smeark spread across her face as she crouched down to pack a snowball together and give the time lord what he wanted. As she moved to stand up something cought her eye that made her freeze.

"DOCTOR!" Sarah Jane's scream pierced the air.

Her male companions came running. When they arrived Sarah Jane was sitting in the  snowdrifts, cradling a tiny baby girl to her chest.

"Poor thing," Harry murmerd as the Doctor crouched by Sarah Jane, "Someone must have left her to freeze out here."

The baby had hair as black as pitch and skin so white that, at first, Sarah Jane had mistaken her for a pile of snow.  She was dressed in nothing but a creamy white nightdress. The Doctor looked at Sarah Jane and shook his head.

"No, Sarah," he told her firmly, "You know perfectly well that we can't."

"But Doctor!" Sarah Jane protested, "If we leave her here than she'll freeze to death!"

"The Doctor may have a point, Sarah Jane," Harry noted, "It's not as if we can take her back to the TARDIS with us. It's far to dangerous."

"Oh, the TARDIS isn't  dangerous," the Doctor denied before turning back to Sarah Jane, "But what happens to us once we leave her usually isn't."

"I know," Sarah Jane nodded, "But I can't stand to just leave her here to die!"

After a moment of sitting in silence the Doctor sighed and wrapped his scarf around the little girl.  She let out a weak wimper. Taking her into his arms he tucked the baby into  his coat and helped Sarah Jane to her feet. 

"Come on," he said seriously, before grinning down at Sarah Jane, "Back to the TARDIS."

Sarah Jane smiled and kept close to the time lord as they walked. Eyes trained on the baby. Harry stood frozen in a daze. 

"Harry?" Sarah Jane called over her shoulder, "Are you coming? I think she might need your help once we get back."

Shaking himself, both physically and mentally, Harry followed his friends, "Coming, Ol' Girl. Just got lost in thought."

AN: Please R&R. 

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