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Disclaimer in first chapter.

Sarah Jane smiled as she pushed the pushchair containing Lucy. The Doctor had decided it was time for the baby to see her first planet and had taken them all to an alien zoo on a planet Sarah Jane couldn't pronounce. She had dressed herself in loose fitting, denim, overalls with a blue blouse and Lucy in a similar pair of overalls with a lilac shirt.  Lucy was also whereing her little fadora. The baby bag sat in the basket of the pushchair.

After looking at one of the alien creatures Sarah Jane became aware of the fact that the pushchair was empty. Lucy had vanished! When she turned to alert The Doctor, however, her panic diminished.  The tall Time Lord had the tiny girl on his hip so she could get a closer look at one of the enclosures. Another glance around told her that Harry had gone to buy lunch for the four of them.

"Doctor," She called, "Harry's getting food. Should we try and find somewhere to sit and eat?"

The Doctor turned and adjusted Lucy on his hip,"Coming, Sarah. I think there are some tables over by the Emerald Eye enclosure."

Sarah Jane looked over where he was pointing and nodded in agreement," Alright."

The three of them went over to the table and the Doctor took Lucy over to look at the Emerald Eyes again while Sarah Jane got out the baby's food. The Emerald Eyes looked almost exactly like an earth tiger with only a few exceptions, they had eyes of liquid emeralds and they laid eggs. Lucy seemed completely in love with the large felines, squealing and clapping her hands in a way Sarah Jane and the Doctor had only seen a handful of times.

"You know, the Emerald Eyes are almost extinct in their natural habitat, "The Doctor explained," Only one pride left on the whole planet of Antelan. They are actually quite lucky to have a pair here. Most of the animals here are endangered."

Sarah Jane turned to look for Harry and was astonished to find he had vanished.

"Um...Doctor?"She turned back to the Time Lord,"Did you see where Harry went? He was just in line at that concession stand but now I don't see him."

The Doctor looked around. His goofy grin slipped away and his eyebrows furrowed. Lucy stopped giggling and began to wimmper as she clung to the Doctor's scarf. The Doctor kissed her on the forehead before setting her down in the pushchair.

"Sarah," he said,"Don't eating anything and until I test my theory don't feed Lucy anything either."

"Doctor?"Sarah Jane picked Lucy up and grabbed her bag,"Why do I get the feeling this trip is going to take a turn for the worst?"

"I think there's a reason they so many galacticly endangered species here," The Doctor put one hand on Sarah Jane's shoulder and the other in his pocket,"And I don't think it's their funding."


The Doctor and Sarah Jane made their way around the zoo with Lucy in her pushchair, looking carefully in every enclosure. They continued to search for Harry as well.

"Sarah," the Doctor whispered as they looked into an enclosure of what looked suspiciously like furbies,"Look carefully at that phurbean in the back. Does it look at all familiar to you."

Sarah Jane squinted down at the animal in question. While most of its fur was navy blue the fur on its ears was midnight black and curly. Like Harry's suit and hair!

"Doctor," Sarah Jane gasped,"Are you implying that that creature is Harry?"

"Yes, I've heard rumors about something like this happening in galactic zoos before," The Doctor admitted, "But I had never heard of such things occurring in this galaxy. It appears I was misinformed."

"But how could they possibly be able to turn a human being into a zoo animal?" Sarah Jane inquired.

"I don't know, Sarah," the Doctor admitted," But I intend to find out."

The trio began to search for the service entrance that would take them to the faculty halls within the enclosures. Sarah Jane soon abandoned the pushchair in favor of carring Lucy. They eventually found the entrance behind one of the bathrooms. The Doctor soniced the lock and they slipped in unnoticed, for now at least. 

Sarah Jane couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped her lips,"Lucy's first break in. I should have brought a camera."

The Doctor grinned at her before placing his finger to his lips and rounding the corner. Lucy had remained silent so far. After only a few more turns and a few locked doors, they came across a laboratory where there where several people that they had seen around the zoo. Except, now they all had the body parts of some of the animals in the zoo!

"That proves that part of my theory,"the Doctor whispered down to Sarah Jane,"Come on. We need to find where they make the serum that does this to people."

"Do you think we'll be able to turn Harry back, Doctor?" Sarah Jane held Lucy closer.

"Oh! That shouldn't be difficult, Sarah," he told her, "Once we find the serum I can analyze it and I'll find a way to turn all the beings that have been transformed back."

It was then that the Doctor noticed how Sarah Jane was struggling to carry Lucy. Pulling off his scarf he silently used it to fasten Lucy to Sarah Jane in a style similar to a backpack. Neither of them said a word as they continued on their search.


The Doctor led Sarah Jane,  Lucy, and Harry back to the TARDIS as the  authorities and medics helped the beings around them. The  Galactic Zoo was shut down and all the animals  had  to be analyzed to determine  if they were, in  fact,  animals or if they were beings transformed into animals  as  Harry had been. 

"I should have known Lucy's first planet wouldn't be all smooth sailing," Sarah Jane admitted,"But, at least she had fun while it lasted."

"All true, Sarah Jane,"Harry agreed,"Though, do wish I hadn't been turned into an animal."

The Doctor fiddled with the TARDIS consol for a moment and his companions were astonished when they landed again already. Usually, the Doctor would let them drift in the vortex for a bit after an adventure.

"Doctor?" Sarah Jane asked,"Where are we now?"

"A treat for the three of you," the Time Lord explained, "After that FIASCO I thought you would like to meet a couple of my friends."

Hesitantly, Harry opened the door and led the group outside. They were on the edge of a small village, an enchanted forest stood to one side, a elegant castle to the other. It was like something out of a farytail!

"Oh! Doctor!" Sarah Jane gasped,"This is beautiful! Where are we?"

"Antelan," came an unfamiliar voice.

They turned around in time to see what appeared to be a young woman in a long green dress rideing up on-on an EMERALD EYE?!? 

The woman smiled,"Welcome back, Esmiduc. And you brought your family!"

"I'm glad to return, Queen Evie," The Doctor replied, "Yes, I did. I was hoping to show Lucy your pride."

"Verida would be happy to introduce you to our pride!" Queen Evie's demeanor suddenly became very cheerful," A new litter just hatched and I've been looking for an excuse to show them off!"

As Queen Evie and Verida led the TARDIS team up to her castle, The Doctor slipped his hand around Sarah Jane's waist and let the Queen tell his family all about her large cats and her kingdom..                                                      

AN: OK, so. Um...this was ment to be a full-lengt-episode-type-chapter but then...I LOST MY PLOT SHEET SAYING WHAT THEY WERE MENT TO DO NEXT! I may post the how they saved the day' seperatly  but, for now, this is all  I have. My sincerest apologies.  

AN2: Evie and Verida, the Emerald Eyes, and their world  are all part of an Original work of  mine that I  haven't finished yet.  Esmiduc is 'Doctor' in the language I created for them. It derives from Latin.

You, and Me, and Something in BetweenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora