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Disclaimer in chapter one.

When Lucy was finally quiet, the Doctor led the group out of the TARDIS and around the corner to the front of large, but nearly deserted, store.

"BabiesRus," Harry read out loud, "Where are we, Old Bean?"

"You just said, Harry," was the Doctor's reply, "Don't tell me you've forgotten already."

"When are we, Doctor," Sarah Jane clarified.

"Ah. Well, we're in the year 2015,"The Doctor told her, "In the United States of America. BabiesRus was relatively popular in the early 2000s but, by this time, is less popular. Most people usually buy everything on the internet now."

The trio entered the store and began to look around.

"So," the Doctor said,"Where should we begin?"

"Food," Sarah Jane said, "For just until you program the replicator."

The Doctor nodded and they set off.  Sarah Jane placed Lucy in the seat of the cart and was surprised that the girl didn't start screaming.

"Baby food seems to change a lot in the future," Harry noted as he looked at the glass jars of food. 

"Everything changes with time, Harry," Sarah Jane told him, grabbing some of the jars to read the label, "Do you think we should grab some bottles too, Doctor?"

"Oh, she's not that young," the time lord said, "But perhaps we should get some of these?"

He held up a plastic cup with a lid. A sippy cup. Sarah Jane grinned. After they got food and dishes, the group made their way over to look at the cloths. They split up to look around the department. As much as she loved the pretty dresses and tights, Sarah Jane knew that she had to pick more practical outfits for a little time traveler. She had only turned away for a moment, but when she looked back at Lucy the little girl was clutching a large eyed cat plushie. 

"Where did you get that, Lucy?" She gasped.

Tears welled up in the little girl's eyes. She was already loosening her grip on the toy.

"I gave it to her, Ol' Girl," Harry replied, "It reminded me of a certain someone. I thought she might like it."

Sarah chuckled at the squeak that emitted from Lucy when the Doctor placed a little fedora on her head. Lucy looked up at the hat, then at the Doctor. She lifted her hands up to him. Deciding they had enough outfits for her, Sarah Jane led the way to the toys. She found herself reading every package before putting anything in the basket of the cart.

"Is she your first?" A young woman asked.

Sarah Jane looked over at the Doctor and Lucy before replying, "Yes. This is our first time shopping for her. "

The other woman smiled a familiar smile," I can tell. People with their first child are different from people on, say, baby three."

How many do you have?" Harry asked, astonished. 

The woman couldn't have been any older that twenty.

"None," she admited, "I come from a very big family. I'm looking for a baby shower gift." 

Lucy chose that moment to start crying. No comforting from the Doctor could soothe her.

"We should get going,"Sarah Jane said," It was nice to--"

The woman was gone.

"I'll grab a package of nappies for her real quick," Harry offered before running off.

The group ran threw the checkout and were soon back in the TARDIS. Sarah Jane took Lucy and delved deeper into the time machine. She returned a few minutes later without her.

"I put Lucy in my bed for a lie down," she explained, "we should have gotten her a cot while we were there."

The Doctor looked thoughtful for a moment before he set of into the belly of the TARDIS.

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