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Realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you

Dear Him, 

Do you really remember how we first me? I actually don't. I'm sure it was during my first day after transferring from another country, but we always passed each other yet missed our chance of talking.

I just checked my facebook and who knew that the first post I saw was yours... stupid red string of fate.

It's been 8 days.

No contact.

Maybe watching each other silently?

I don't really know.

School is starting in 2 days and I haven't even prepared yet, you just half of my thoughts because of what happened.

Hope to see you soon...

Maybe someday..

You'll maybe forget about what happened...

But at least I know I won't, since I was built to feel all these negative emotions anyway.

But you know, the first song that I sang 2 years ago... I never regretted singing that, because I'm now trying to take my chances to see you smile.

Missing you is dark grey.

It's one of your favorite colors.. I guess... 

I'll be at Serenitea at 1:01 PM this Monday, since my intake of tea is decreasing hahaha... you actually don't need to know that.

But moving on from you is quite impossible.


Your Friend

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