You Shine

13 2 0

Your love... purer than the purest heart

Dear Him,

I had just cutted my hair six inches shorter, still below my shoulder blades if you wanted to know.

I remember dancing "Hold my hand" with you and the others during rehearsals... you always secretly pulled my long ponytailed hair, our kind of secret.

This time, while I'm writing... I see my hair pulled up in my normal ponytail... but it's just so different, last time you pulled my hair it was around to touch my elbows, now its just about touching my shoulders. What happened?

Because what most people neglect to realize is when a woman cuts her hair — she's cutting off SO MUCH MORE...

It's like pushing a reset button on your life.

There is so much meaning behind my hair... It was my shield, it was somewhat my weapon (attacking my friends when I'm feeling the moment), it was somehow something you love, it was something my mother didn't really like, it was something my modelling teacher told me to keep, it was my everything.

I'm not blaming you.

I'm blaming my heart.

The guilt and the pain.

I'm hurting myself more than ever.

When the hairdresser snipped the sharp scissors, I saw a part of me die while laughing outside. After the haircut I went to my favorite cafe slash milktea place to meet my cousin. A few whistles, smirks and looks gave me chills. Being a former model isn't quite nice.

At least I enjoyed time meeting my cousins friend, I talked to her friend about you since my cousin was the one who teased you the time we had dinner.

I had the urge to go to KFC when my mom texted me and my cousin to go home after, but well since we were the naughty ones we stayed for like 30 mins more to enjoy until she told us to go to this restaurant, even with the urge to go to KFC for food we went to the restaurant.

Then earlier I check facebook and you and your dad posted pictures of you and your cousins... IN KFC!!


I mean you could've chose Mcdonald's! Its obviously the work of a God to do this.

At least you are smiling.

I smile, broken inside.Hurting, Crying, Staying Strong.

Keep on smiling.


Your Friend

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