Chapter Six

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Here it is my love biscuits! I love you as much as Allie loves Noah, as Jack loves Rose, as Jake loves Jesy( jakesy_mixer),and of course as much as Jed loves Jade....but Jade loves Perrie and I love you guys as much as I love Little Mix (which is saying a hell of a lot.) Hope you like it.  Oh and dedicated to Ash_is_awesome.

Jade's POV:

My alarm screams in my ears, I look at the time. '6:16'

I groan and reluctantly get out of bed, since today is Saturday I have an appointment with the OB/GYN today for my first ultrasound. I get up and get a quick shower. I pull my hair up into a high ponytail and throw on a blue maxi dress. I grab my car keys and my phone and head out.


I arrive at the doctor and head up to the secretary desk.

"Jade A. Thirlwall." I say and the man who's nametag red Brayden nodded. I took a seat close to the back and scrolled through my phone.  Within 15 minutes the doctor calls me back.

"Alright, Jade, how old are you?"


"Do you smoke?"

"No ma'am."


"No ma'am."

"Good, alright, does anyone but you know you're pregnant?"

"No." I lie.

"Alright, let's get started shall we?" She squeezes the cold gel on my stomach and waves the instrument around. "Ok, baby seems good, healthy strong heartbeat...." She trails off. "Oh...what's this?" I furrow my eyebrows. "Jade, you're having twins." She informs.

My stomach turns. She takes a few pictures wipes off my stomach.

"Alright, you're 13 weeks pregnant, come back monthly on the 27th, at 20 weeks you can find out the gender, or genders." She explains I nod.

"Thank you." I smile and grab the pamphlets and papers I need and leave.


After I leave the doctor I go to the library and check out a couple pregnancy books and head home.

Upon my arrival I find an empty house I sigh in relief and go up to read my book. First I change into a pair of pajama pants and a T-shirt and then I start reading.

"When pregnant, your body can play cruel tricks on you. Everything will swell, you'll be sick all the time, your hemroids will become inflamated, your breasts will become abnormally large, and everyday tasks become more difficult." I read aloud. I sigh putting the book under my bed and go for another shower. When I get out I do my nightly routine and go to my room to sleep for the night.

I lay in bed and think aloud.

"If they are two girls Elizabeth Mary Thirlwall and Laura Ann Thirlwall. If they are two boys Ethan Blake Thirlwall and Kyle David Thirlwall. If they're one of each Hayley Vee Thirlwall and Tate Jamison Thirlwall." I smile content with the names. I decide to go tell Mam. I walk to her room and plop on her bed in front of her.

"Mam." I say.

"Yes baby?" she asks.

"I went to the doctor today and I uh- found out." Just then her boyfriend busts in.

"You're pregnant?" The question is aimed to my mother.

"No, I am. By you. Mam for the past-" I start but am cut off by her.

"Get out."

"Mam- I-"

"Get the fuck out of my house." She says through gritted teeth. I walk out of her room and run upstairs, I grab as much as possible and stuff it into the bag. I grab the money I had been saving for 2 years which is close to £3000 and head out.


I drive for as long as I possibly can I buy a hot cocoa and a muffin from Starbucks and eat that for supper. I park in a place where there is hardly any traffic. I take four shirts out of my duffle and tape I had bougt earlier and tape them over the windows. I grab the two sheets I stuck in my duffle and hang those on both windsheilds making sure no one can see in I turn off the engine lock all the doors and climb into the back seat. I grab the blanket from my duffle and make a pillow out of shirts. And try to catch some sleep.

The next morning I drive again. I drive for so long my hands hurt. I finally pull over to eat and take a rest.

I sigh from exhaustion and walk into a local McDonald's. I order a small meal and sit in a booth in the back. I eat slowly feeling the pit of my stomach contort. I run into the restroom and empty the contents of my stomach. After I am finally done I walk out of the restroom and someone is standing at the door.

"Are you alright, love?" a woman in uniform asks.

"Yes ma'am, just pregnant." I chuckle. She chuckles in return and hands me a bag of apple slices and a water.

"These'll be easier on your stomach." She smiles and I go to the back and take my seat again.

"Uhm, Ms." I hear the distinct Geordie accent of Perrie speak. She had a beanie over her head, her blond curls hanging freely from under it. She had on a pair of black leggings and a loose fit burgundy swearer. Her nails were painted black and she had in her favorite gold hoop nose ring.

"Yes?" The same lady who helped me responded.

"May I get a strawberry banana smoothie?" She asks. The woman smiles an obliges.

"Please don't see me, please don't see me." I whisper and my wish is granted when she sits at a seat in the front. I sigh in relief and continue eating my apples. I sip my water and keep a close eye on Perrie. She sips her drink slowly and stares out into space. Her deep blue eyes have an expression that I have trouble reading. She spots me. "Fuck."

"Jade?" She asks I get up and rush out ignoring her. "Jade!" She chases after me.

"Leave me alone." I get in my car and speed off leaving her in my rearview.

Whoa whoa whoa weirdos. It's question time.

1. Do you think Jade will have twin girls, twin boys, or one of each?

2. Is it terrible?

3. Are you excited for Perrie's POV next chapter?

4. What do you think about Jade's mum(mom) kicking her out?

5. Do ya love me?

Stay weird my perriefect, gorjesy, loveleigh, jadeorable weirdos.


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