Chapter Eight

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Hey my weirdos, long time no write. Let's get to it.

Jade's POV:

I walked into Luke's party and looked around, being pregnant and all I knew I couldn't drink but Luke was my cousin and he invited me to come live with him, I didn't have much place else to go so I decoded to take him up on the offer. Unfortunately, tonight was the only night I had to move in. A random guy from the party, named Louis, who was engaged to his lovely, and tall fiancé Harry, helped me move box by box into the small room, and then Harry helped me organize it, I decided I was just gonna go socialize at the party, find Luke and ask him if I could invite Jed over to spend the night. He'd probably comply but I was gonna ask anyway. I walked down and the first person I saw was one of my good friends Liam.

"'Ello Liam, what are ya up to lately?" I ask smiling, that's when I see her, the beautiful blond that I was trying so hard to avoid, her piercing blue daggers we lit up with happiness. She bit her bottom lip and crinkled her forehead in concentration. I tried to not get seen by her, but she was talking to Luke, she looked absolutely gorgeous, I couldn't take it, I wanted to talk to her, of course I wanted to quit fight with her, but she blamed me for my step father raping me and getting me pregnant. Everyone blamed me.

"Jade, love, you alright?" I hear Liam ask.

"Oh. Y-yeah sorry....I'll catch ya later Liam." I say, I had to use what boldness I had left inside of me to do what I was about to do.

I walked over to Luke and tapped on his shoulder to get his attention. He and Petrie both turned their attention to me. I could almost feel Perrie's daggers piercing my skin, I tried to ignore her, but I couldn't. I turned to her.

"Why are you so pissed off at me any-" I said, her blue orbs were so full of sorrow. I grabbed her face and caressed her cheek. "Perriefect?"

"Jadeorable." She reaponded, then our lips locked, it was a slow, passionate, and affectionate kiss, so full of loving kindness. Her warm, soft lips, such a contrast to my cold, oily ones. Our lips moved in such perfect harmony, I wrapped my arms around her neck. I could feel her hands trailing down to my bum, she gave it a squeeze and bit my bottom lip. I moaned against her lips giving her all the more access. I backed up to my room, opening the door quickly. When stepped inside, Perrie wasted no time picking me up. I slammed the door shut with my foot and her skillful fingers locked it. My sweaty back hit the bed and at that moment it all felt right.


Perrie and I made love. Four hours and hours, well, it was a combination of passionate love making and angry make up sex. Either way it was great. We momentarily lay, wrapped in one another's embrace, I was drawing random patterns on Perrie's chest with my index finger.

"Jadey?" Perrie says smally.

"Mhm?" I speak in response.

"I've fallen for you." She speaks quietly,

"I've fallen for you as well." I smile, the little moment of affection sparks a kiss, a kiss sparks another, and another, and the rest is history.

Alright weirdos, question time.

1. Do you like the way I introduced Luke in the story?

2. What would you like to see in the next chapters to come? (NOTE: I will take all ideas into consideration when writing it.)

3. Who's glad Jerrie is together?

4. Do you think Jade will break up with Jed, or continue to be the center of a love triangle?

5. What should Jade have and name the babies.

I love you so much weirdos, until next time.


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