chapter 4 chrono-somthing

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Max was looking at this guy like she looked at herself here was a guy who kind of had the same powers as her only more skilled. But before she could say anything chloe suddenly shouted what the fuck man what just happened.Then this jack guy just raise his hands in a polite gesture and said ok just let me explain he looked around and then said look at that bird the two girls turned their head to see a bird about to take flight.Jack then thrusted his hand at the bird and the bird stood there in mid flight the two looked at in awe then max looked at jack and said you're just like me but how. jack just smiled and said it's a really complicated story. Then chloe turned to her truck tell it one the way i have to drop off max at Blackwell Academy jack just shrugged and said ok and followed the two to the car.On the way jack tells the two that he's from the future of 2016 the two stared at him in shock as jack continues as he tells them that his friend Paul Serene wanted jack to help him with a demonstration. Agreeing to help his best-friend Paul with a demonstration, Jack learns Paul has been expanding on the physics work of his estranged brother, William, and built a time machine that works using "chronon particles". Paul activates the machine, only for it to jam shut and break as William appears. Will demands Jack and Paul stop their actions, or else "time will break". The machine becomes unstable and douses Jack and Paul in chronon radiation that give them their time-based powers. Max looked at him with a curious look and ask what happened to paul. jack looked at the floor of the truck and clench and said with a lie

(and the reason he is lying so she doesn't have to worry about monarch solutions) after the break down paul thought he could fix it so he went in the machine i never saw him again and will a tear fell from his eye wills died. Chloe then stopped and looked at jack and thought that she and jack had a lot in common she also had people that she lost(check the game).jack looked at her and said you ok chloe keep driving and said yeah i'm fine as freaking ever jack then continued with his story he explains that in the future time was breaking down and that time will keep freezing until time stops for good. But he learns that will has built a machine to stopped this that is called the Chronon Field Regulator, or the CFR. and with the help a friend named beth(and while jack crys)again check the game) they went to will's lap to get the machine. But With Will's documents noting the CFR disappeared in 2010, Jack and Beth plot to head to 2010 and steal it, closing a .Jack steps into the machine but someone has knocked out beth and sabotaged the machine seeding jack to 2013 then the machine broke(again he lied because he didn't want her to worry).as they reach blackwell academy max then asked but why me I mean me specifically.Jack took a moment to remember a little pit of the file then said when i traveled back to 2013 some off chronon radiation leaked out of the machine and escaped and jack has been tracking them ever since (again lied to protect). And he then tracked them to her and said that the chronon particles had affected her definitely instead of having the powers he has they allow her to reverse time.Max then held up her hand and said wait how do you know about my powers.jack simply said well people who are affected by chronon particles can't feel the effects of time altaration. Max then she laid back and said Why me? I'm just a geek girl in a small town. Then chloe said A perfect example of

Strange attractors don't they teach you kids anything at blackwell? Then chloe smiled and said we have a tornado,rewind powers and a time master... hello armageddon so let's party with your guys power's rock stars.then max looked at chloe and jack and said professor price a superhero needs a sidekick.jack then said plus one all three then said How can it be a shitty week and yet one of the best in my life? Max just smiled and said because were back in action again.Chloe and max then high fived and max and jack got out of the car then max waved goodby to chloe and chloe dorve away as jack asked tornado?

Max just sighed and said it's a longer story than the school bell rang as max ran off waving her hand yelling for another time. Jack waved back then notice something out of the corner of his eye a monarch solution van.Shit he thought there here i need to find a way to keep an eye on max and to keep her out of monarchs hands but what then he notice a wanted poster on a bulletin board

As he smiled and thought perfect.

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