2 • 3am

404 29 3

Meghan's POV:

  I wake up to find myself in my bed. I roll over and groan quietly. I open my eyes to find Biggie sleeping next to me with his tongue lolled out of his mouth. I smile lightly and scratch his ear lightly. He stirs, but he never wakes up entirely. I sigh as I roll back over to look at my alarm clock. I groan a little louder as I realize that it is 2:50 in the morning.

  I silently get out of my comfy bed and walk to my bathroom. I pick my pink toothbrush up, and I spread the toothpaste onto the tip. I begin to brush my teeth as I look at myself in the mirror. I've finally decided that I'm not going to cry. I may be sad and want to cry a lot, but I'm not going to. I don't think that will help at all.

  I finish brushing my teeth and wash the remaining toothpaste out of my mouth. I grab my purple brush and begin to brush out my burning red hair. I slowly run my brush through my hair as I glance at the door. I could've sworn that I just heard something.

  I silently walk out of the bathroom and look around my dark room. I see my phone on my nightstand, and I realize that somebody must have texted me. I walk around to the other side of my bed and grab my phone. I walk back into my bathroom before I look at the screen.

  Once I walk into the light, I look at the screen and sigh.

  Blocked Caller: I'm textin' you once, again.

  I sigh and think to myself about how much my situation at the moment reminds me of my own lyrics.

  3am, yup I'm textin' you once, again
Even though I'm hangin' with my friends, I can't help it, I can't help myself, no. 

  I sigh and swipe the screen. I decide to finally text back to him since I have no other solution. I can't just sit here and watch him text me over and over, again. Can I?

  (M=Meg, BC= Blocked Caller)

M: You aren't just texting for nothing. I know you still care.

BC: Then, why don't you ever answer me? I text you all the time.

M: Because I can't bring myself to do it.

BC: Why not?

M: We fought. We broke up. I left.

BC: You mean you broke up.

M: You never gave up because you thought that we could be fixed. You have too much hope in everything. I knew that we wouldn't be able to fix it. That is why I left.

BC: If you knew we couldn't be fixed, why are you texting me right now?

   I sat there for a minute to think about what he had just replied. Did he really just ask me that?

  M: Maybe I knew our love couldn't be fixed, but I thought our friendship could be.

BC: Oh, so we have a friendship, now?

M: I thought we did...I must've been wrong.

BC: No, wait.

M: What? You're the one that's arguing with every arrangement I try to make so that we could be together or see each other. I mean, has it ever crossed your mind that maybe I still care about you?

BC: When you say you care about me, does that mean you're still in love with me?

M: No. You don't have to be in love with somebody to care about them.

BC: I miss you.

M: Well, I'm done arguing with you.

  With that, I close out of my messages and clench my phone in my fist. My anger gets too much for me to handle, and I slam my phone face-first on the bathroom sink. I clench my teeth in frustration when I hear the cracking sound that came from my phone. I pick it up and see that I cracked it. I sigh and mentally curse myself.

  I try to fall back asleep after our conversation, but I can't. With all of the thoughts that are running a mile a minute in my head, it doesn't help that he's still texting me. My phone buzzes every once in a while, and it makes me jump every time.

  I eventually decide that I'm determined to get some sleep. I get out of my warm, fluffy bed and walk to my bathroom, again. I plug my phone and my charger in near the sink, and I set my phone in my basket with all of my necessities. I walk out of the bathroom and turn the light out. I shut the door behind me and walk towards the side of my bed that I usually sleep on.

  I lay down in my bed, again. I pull the aqua blue covers up, so that I don't get too cold while I sleep. I close my eyes, and in just a few short minutes, I am, again, sleeping and dreaming of my lost lover.


  I wake up to the sound of pans clashing to the ground. I groan slightly and glance over at my alarm clock. I read it, and it says 8:30. I roll out of my bed and drag my feet as I walk towards my bathroom. I walk in, grab my phone, and start towards the stairs that lead downstairs.

  When I get down the stairs, I am astonished at what I see. I stare at my older brother, Ryan, as my mouth hangs open. I look right across from him and see my worst nightmare.

"Brooks," I mumble.



It's 12:37 in the morning here and I was just thinking why don't I update now?
Sorry it isn't a very long chapter, but since I have more chapters pre-written than expected, I will update every other day now! So next chapter will be on Tuesday!

- Your Author

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