12 • Zip Ties And Duck Tape

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This chapter is forever long but it's interesting and I honestly have no clue how I came up with it.


Meghan POV:

I struggle against his strength as he ties a zip tie around my hands.

"Shhh, quite baby. We're gonna have some fun," he whispers. I scream through the tape, but it doesn't work. He tries to pull my shirt off, but the zip tie gets in the way.

"Fuck," he mumbles as he looks around.

I observe my surrounds and look for a way out. He's pushed up against the wall with me, so I can't knee him. I have no back up plan.

"Here we go," he says as he grabs some scissors. He cuts me out of my shirt as I struggle against him. He kisses my neck, and I moan through the tape.

"Baby keep going," he says as he begins to take my bra off.

"Shit," he says as he realizes my hands are still zip tied.

I groan against the tape.

"Okay. I will take the zip tie and tape off if you do everything I say. If you don't, things aren't going to go well," he says.

I nod my head slowly.

I'm scared. What's he going to do to me? He's always loved my body. He always complimented my curves and my ass. He always said I was the best kisser. I'm so scared. What if he gets me pregnant? What will I do?

"Okay, here," he says.

He cuts the zip tie and finishes taking my bra off. I slowly put my hands on his shoulders as I start to shake. He takes the duck tape off my mouth, and I exhale a loud breath.

"Act like you would if we were together," he says.

I nod my head as I keep shaking. I slowly start to wrap my arms around his neck tightly.

"Don't be nervous," he says.

"How can I not be?" I ask.

"Just think of the good times that we've had," he says. I nod even though I don't mean it.

He kisses me slowly at first, then he makes it more passionate. I try and not think about the fact that it's him. I try to think its Charlie.

"Keep going, princess," he says.

He leads me over to my bed and pushes me harshly on the bed. He crawls on top of me and takes his shirt off. He immediately starts to undo my sweatpants that I change into at Charlie's.

  I try to imagine that he's Charlie. It begins to work as he pulls my sweats off completely.

  "Princess," he says across my neck. He ruined it. Charlie calls me baby girl.

  He takes all of his clothes off, leaving him completely naked and me with just panties. He begins to pull them down, but I stop him.

  "Why are you doing this?" I say.

  "I'm thirsty," he says as he rips my panties off.

  Man Whore.

  "Stop resisting. Let me in or bad things are going to happen," he says.

  "What kind of bad things?" I ask.

  Before he goes into me I stop him.

  "Don't even try. I know you have a condom," I say.

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