21 • Anything More

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Meghan's POV:

I wake up to see myself in the hospital. I look around without making any sound. I see Charlie in the corner holding out baby. I smile as I see my stomach. It's flat, well not really, but it's not humongous anymore.

"Baby," I mumble. Charlie's head jerks toward me. He smiles and stands up. He walks towards me and smiles.

"Hey baby girl. Look at our baby girl," he says. I chuckle at him as he hands me our baby. She has Charlie's nose, my eyes, my hair, and Charlie's smile. I smile as I watch her stare up at me. I put my finger in front of hers, and she wraps her tiny hand around it. I smile at her warmly.

  "Where's Jojo and my parents?" I ask.

  "They left like an hour ago, maybe even more.  I stayed because the doctors said that you would probably wake up soon," he said with a smile.

  "Okay," I say as I smile back at him. The doctors walk in, and I see Dr. Montgomery coming towards me.

  "Hey," I say as she walks in.

"Hey, Meghan. How are you?" she says.

  "Amazing," I sigh as I look at my baby.

  "Good," she says with a giggle. I glance to Charlie, and he smiles down at me.

  "Charlie, did I not tell you?" she says.

  "You told me," he gives in.

  "What?" I say in confusion.

  "When you were at the hospital after the incident with Brooks, Dr. Montgomery–"

  "Addison," she interrupts.

  "Addison told me that you were in love with me, and that's the reason I proposed to you. Addison is the one that convinced me," he says. I smile at her, and I turn to Charlie with a smile.

  "Her name is Addison," I whisper to Charlie.

  "Agreed," he says with a smile. Addison stares at us with a slight glimmer in her eyes. She smiles at us, and she blushes shyly and looks at her clipboard. I smile at her as I would be doing the same exact thing in her situation.

"When can we go home?" I ask.

"Tomorrow," Addison mumbles with a ghost of a smile playing upon her lips. I sigh as she walks toward us. She sets her hand on my shoulder and gives me a warming smile. I smile back at her as I shift in my bed.


   24 hours flew by. Everyone came to visit me, even some creepy stalker fans. My parents, Jojo, both of my brothers, and Charlie stayed the whole entire time. As soon as I saw Addison walking towards me at around 5:30pm, I knew I was about to get discharged.

  "Are you ready, Meghan?" she asks me.

  "Of course," I say with a sigh.

"Good," she says. She discharges me, and I put on some comfy clothes that Jojo brang me from home. We all leave the hospital, and we are driving home.

Charlie POV:

"Hey, Charlie," Addison says as I was about to follow Meghan out the door.

"I'll be out in a minute, Meg," I say to her.

"Okay," she says as she cradles our child.

"What's up?" I ask as soon as Meghan leaves.

"I just wanted to tell you that you can't have sex for 7-10 days, and you should let Meghan take it easy. She had a rough time in there. It was more difficult than some others," she says.

"Okay," I say with an understanding smile.

"Thank you," she says. I hug her, and I jog out to the car where Meghan is. Meghan is already in the front seat when I get in the car.

"Are you ready?" I ask. She nods.

"Are you ready?" I say as I point to Addison. She giggles in response as her tiny hands curl around my finger. I smile up at Meghan to see her giggling, too.

We drive home, and I actually have a surprise for Meghan. We aren't really diving to her house. Well it's her house, but it's different.

Meghan's POV:

As we pull into a strange looking house, I turn and face Charlie. He smirks at me, and I start freaking out because I'm pretty sure I know what this is.

"You did not buy us our own house!" I scream. He nods, and I step out of the car with Addison in hand. I walk to the door and lightly push it open. It's beautiful.

The whole house is brand new. There is four bedrooms upstairs, and a big loft room. I explore the house with curiosity. Everything that was mine is now in this house. I don't know how they did it.

"Babe, I love it," I say as I walk towards Charlie. I side hug him because I still have Addison.

"And I love you," he says. I smile and kiss him lightly.

"I couldn't ask for anything more," I say.

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