Chapter 10. Time

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My eyes opened and I sat up quickly. I gasped for air and looked around to see nothing but darkness. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair,

"Just a dream," I mumbled.

"Nightmare I see."

I snapped my head towards the voice. I saw nothing but the light flickered on. Crow stood leaned next to the light switch. He took off his hat and placed it down,

"Are you alright," he asked.

I stared into his eyes. They looked similar, dark blue eyes. He smirked,

"Remember me?"

I shook my head confused. He sighed,

"Thought so."

"Who are you. Why should I remember you?"

He smirked and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm Crow of course. And why? Well why shouldn't you," he smiled.

I glared at him,

"You sure are confusing."

He smiled once more but then turned serious. I looked at him confused but then the door opened and another guy came in.

"Crow," mumbled the guy.


"Um, what are you doing here? I thought you should be out on guard."

Crow stood up,

"Why are you here."

The beta cleared his throat,

"Just to check up on her. I heard something happened."

"She's fine, what about the Alpha."


Crow continued talking and I looked around. I looked down to see I wasn't in my uniform. From the corner of my eye I saw all my stuff. My weapons, clothes. What were they doing here. I heard the door close and saw I was alone. 

"Now or never," I mumbled.

I pulled out the needles in me and ran to grab my stuff. I changed and held my bow. I looked at the window and opened it. I looked down to see I was high up. Suddenly a crow flew in and landed on my bed. I aimed my bow at it and shot but the crow suddenly....caught it...with a hand.

Suddenly mist quickly surrounded it and turned into the guy named ....Crow. He sat on my bed holding the arrow.

"Now now this won't do."

"What the hell," I yelled.

He raised his eyebrow,

"What did my name not give it away? I'm a Crow, that's why I'm called Crow."

He stood up,

"At least that was what you told me," he mumbled.

I backed away hitting the window, I looked back.

"So tell what are you gonna do now."

I shot another arrow and he simply moved his head dodging it and I fell back out the window. The black mist returned and before I could touch the ground Crow caught me. 

"Tsk, I see that was your plan."

"Let go of me," I struggled.

I slapped him and he let go.

"Ouch," he mumbled.

I stood up, I looked up at the moon. I quickly took off running as fast as I could. I needed to take care of my mission first. If not...well..I'll be in a hell of trouble..especially from him.

Crow's P.O.V

I watched as she ran, I smirked. I checked my wrist watch. 

"Seems like you've ran out of time princess. I don't think your boss will be very proud of that now would he."

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