Chapter 22.

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Sky's P.O.V

I knocked on a certain door. 

"One momment."

The door opened reveling Mel. She smiled,

"Hello Sky what happened?"

"Do you want to join me on a little trip, I could use another assassin by my side."

Her eye lit up and she nodded,

"Get dressed and meet me outside."

She quickly shut the door and I walked outside. 

Mel's P.O.V

I opened my closet excited and took out the outfit Sky gave me and got dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror and pulled down my hoodie. I grabbed my bow and knifes then joined Sky outside who was also dressed. We looked at each other and smirked before pulling up our bandanna to cover our mouths.

 We looked at each other and smirked before pulling up our bandanna to cover our mouths

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I followed her as we took a route to get passed the guards. Then we begun running ti'll we were far away from the pack house.

"So exactly where are we going," I asked.

"Somewhere not very safe but I need to check out a place. Remember the thing about the war, well let's say I've noticed a certain path Jupiter been taking."

"How does Jupiter get to your father, you said it takes months to get over here," I asked confused.

"Jupiter isn't all so he can go quickly but I've noticed he's been coming this way a lot."

I nodded and looked around then suddenly stopped when I noticed some one. I got down also pulling Sky down. She looked where I was looking,

"That's him."

Jupiter. He walked casually. We followed him when suddenly Sky stood up. I looked at her before looking foreword. I stood up as well not far from in front of us I saw a huge house. 

"What is this..t-this wasn't here before," Sky mumbled.

"Do you think they just built it?"

Sky continued to walk but we stop when we saw wolfs guarding. Yet they were chained, there eyes red and foam coming out there mouths. They growled and barked at Jupiter. Jupiter walked past them and towards the house. 

"Sky, have you ever been this way," I asked.

"This used to be all just grass land is it possible to even build this fast?"

I walked around trying to look for a way past he guards. I signaled Sky and saw a gate, we ran over to the gate and climbed over. We quickly ran towards a bunch of bushes that surrounded the house. We watched Jupiter as he waited. Suddenly a man came walking out wearing all black and I couldn't see his face. He looked like an assassin too.

"Sky who's that."

Sky didn't answer. Jupiter shook hands with the man and started talking. I couldn't hear anything. I got closer but stopped when someone else came out with a wolf like the one that were guarding around. It snarled with the foam dripping from it's mouth. 

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