Baseball NOT Softball (Scotty McCreery fanfic)

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A/N: 5 years later and I'm still amazed that this book is steadily reaching out to people! Just a heads up this book is NOT EDITED. I was 13 when I wrote it and I had no idea how to write. But thank you all for reading! I've been torn wether to take this down or keep it up, but as long as there's interaction I'll keep it up! Thank you all!

A/N 2022: Just wanted to drop in and say wow! Almost 10 years ago I wrote this story at the age of 13 and it's still getting views. Scotty's name is getting out there more and more as he releases new music and new people are introduced to him. For all those new eyes reading this fanfic I want to first say, thank you for choosing this story! I am slowly doing some LIGHT editing, trying to make it more bearable to read. I am not going to rewrite or add to the story. This is my first time ever reading it after I wrote it and all I can say is, I can definitely tell I was young and had no knowledge of how to write. Secondly, I want you all to know that I am still pretty active on this account. I'm out of college now and working a full time job. Somehow I have returned to the world of reading and I've missed it! I'm working on a new book called "Cherry" so if you like the enemies to lovers trope, it's definitely one to look into. And I promise the writing quality is much much better! Lastly, I want to acknowledge all of the rereaders, I see you! I see the comments and the kind words and I'm so glad you've come back around to read again. All of you, first time readers and rereaders, I thank y'all. Thank you for all the years of keeping this book relevant and alive. You're all the best! Enjoy!

Chapter One

Moving In

I stared out of the window, being drug away from the one place I actually loved.

"Tell me again why we are moving?" I asked wanting a better explanation than what I had before.

"I told you a thousand times, Julie, Grandma is not able to be living alone in a whole other state by herself. After her stroke, she needs someone there to take care of her." Dad said in the front seat driving, he had blonde hair in a buzz cut and green eyes, he had been in the army so he was unbelievably strong and his body shows it with all his big muscles.

"But why couldn't Uncle Tony or someone go? You knew how much I loved Austin! We moved all over the country because of our job! You told me that we were done moving when we got to Austin, Texas." I said. Why did we have to move all the way to Garner, NC? Why couldn't we stay where we, as in ALL of us, loved to live? These thoughts ran through my mind. I didn't want to move, especially after I made the cheer squad and my crush and I were talking. I really liked Texas.

"Darlin' it's just my responsibility to take care of my mother, Uncle Tony is not my mother's child, he's my half brother." Dad said.

"Well!" I said. "Don't worry Julie, look on the bright side! There is a famous country singer in Garner!" My older sister, Jessica, said, swishing her brown hair behind her petite tall body. She looked like my mom, my mom has brown hair and a petite tall body too. I'm more like my dad I have a small body and I'm short, I have dirty blonde hair and green eyes, unlike my sister and mom they have blue eyes. "Yeah, but I still miss my old home." I said. "Listen, you'll make the cheer squad again." Jessica said flashing me a smile. I shrugged and stared out of the window.

We've been driving for like 4 days, and stopping at some of the tour sites. Finally, I saw a faint big blue sign in the distance. "There she goes!" My dad said punching to gas. The big blue sign got closer I could make out the words "Welcome to Garner! Home of 2011 American Idol winner SCOTTY McCREERY." "There it is!" Jessica squealed happily. "Woo-hoo." I said sarcastically punching the air with my fist.

We pulled up to a big two story country house. There were wooden fences all around the yard. There were 5 or 6 horses roaming around and a faded red barn behind the house. A smaller one story house sat beside the big house. Grandma stood in the door of the smaller house with a big smile on her face. "Samuel! How is my lovely son?" Grandma said giving Dad a hug, her short gray hair whipping in the light breeze, she had a flowery blouse on and some jean capris. "I'm great, Mom. How are you?" Dad asked wrapping his arms around Grandma's tiny frame. "I'm fine and dandy!" Grandma said with a warm smile. "Sarah!" Grandma said giving mom a hug. She gave Jessica a hug and walked up to me. "Oh Julie, you have grown up so much! You look so much like Sam." Grandma said giving me a big hug. I smiled and tried to act like I was happy that I was there. "Oh! Go into your new home!" Grandma said rushing us. We quickly got into the house. "Wow!" Jessica said. We all were mesmerized at the fully furnished house. The cabinets filled with food, flat screen TV, not a bare spot in the house. Jessica and I ran upstairs pushing each other trying to find our rooms. My room was on the right, it even had my name on it. I gasped at the blue and purple room. The king sized bed, the dresser full of new beautiful clothes my size, a few blue and purple bing-bag chairs, a desk with a computer, and a flat screen TV sitting on a beautiful wooden entertainment center. "You like it?" Grandma asked. "Yes! I love it! Thank you Grandma, you made me rethink this move." I said with a huge smile on my face. "Oh I'm glad I made your day. I phoned your mother and asked for your and Jessica's clothes size and your favorite colors. I had a real sweet girl that lives close to here help me pick out some 'hip' stuff for y'all." Grandma said laughing. I laughed at my Grandma when she said "hip" stuff. "Thank you so much!" I said giving Grandma another big hug. "No problem my little Juliet." Grandma said. She always called me Juliet. "Well let me go see the rest of the family, I'll leave you to admire your room. Oh, I'm so glad you like it!" Grandma said squeezing my cheeks and then waking out of my new room.

I fell back on my bed taking it all in. A new house, a new town, a new school. That last part scares me.

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