Chapter 35

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Every since Scotty and I got engaged, we have not left each other. Like I feel like if he leaves me to go to an interview or a radio show, a part of me is missing. We are also trying to get used to sleeping in the same bed every night and not kicking each other in our sleep. We are basically trying to learn how to live together because when we get married it's not gonna be like, "Oh we're married well I'll see you tomorrow." No it's gonna be like we have to share a living space which means I'm gonna wake up to Elvis playing every morning while Scotty is trying to make me an omelet that's not even fit to eat. We stayed in a little house we rented out between my house and Scotty's house.

"You're so beautiful." Scotty said kissing my jawbone.

"Can you believe we are gonna get married?" I asked, my eyes still closed.

"You're hair smells like green apples." Scotty said running his fingers through my hair.

"Can you believe that we are going to have our own house?" I asked.

"You're skin is so smooth." Scotty said rubbing his cheek on mine.

"Have you been listening to any of these questions?" I asked.

"Yes, but we have plenty if time to worry about them let's just enjoy being an engaged couple." Scotty said kissing me passionately.


"What colors do y'all want?" Judy asked me and Scotty. It's been about a month of planning now. This was the final question, and I knew what I wanted it to be.

"Whatever colors Julie wants, I want this to be her dream wedding." Scotty said sending me his million dollar smile.

"I want white and light pink and sky blue." I said with a smile just thinking about how beautiful this wedding is going to be.

"Beautiful, beautiful! Okay well y'all have answered everything so y'all can sit back while we fix everything." Judy said with a smile.

"Thank you so much for doing this Judy." I said giving her a hug.

"Don't mention it sweet girl, I knew I wanted to plan this wedding ever since I saw you and Scotty cuddled up on that hayride the first day y'all met!" Judy said with a huge smile on her face. I love Judy so much she is like the best mother-in-law ever!


"Just next month we'll be Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Cooke McCreery." Scotty said entwining his fingers with mine.

"I can't wait." I said as he started to kiss me slowly then faster.


"Julie! What's wrong? I got your text!" I heard Ashley say as she ran into the bathroom where I laid motionless beside the toilet.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?!" Ashley asked kneeling down beside me.

"I just barfed my guts out." I said sitting up.

"What's wrong?" Ashley asked.

"I don't know. I woke up this morning, I went to get something to eat then I had the urge to barf and then I did."i said.

"Well have you done anything to make you want to barf?" She asked.

"I don't think so..."-"Oh no." I said covering my mouth with my hands.


"This can't be happening." I said running to the full length mirror handing on the bathroom door.

"Julie what are you talking about?" Ashley asked walking over to me.

At that moment I just turned sideways and looked at myself in the mirror and started to cry.

"Julie, this better not be what I think this means." Ashley said. I nodded and started to cry.

"We gotta get you a test." Ashley said wrapping her arms around me.


It was about 2pm when Ashley came home with the test. She told me how to do it, and I went to the bathroom. I read the little directions.

"Well?" Ashley asked me as I walked out of the bathroom. I nodded my head.

"You're pregnant?" Ashley asked, and I nodded again.

"You're pregnant?" I heard someone ask. I turned around and saw my dad. I dropped the test on the floor and ran outside.

Oh my God. I'm pregnant with a baby. I'm going to be a mother. Scotty and I went all if the way before marriage and now my Dad knows. I sat on the porch and just cried until my eyes were raw.

"Hey baby...Whats wrong?" Scotty asked me setting some grocery bags down on the porch. My lip trembled as I looked through the window into the little house, where my dad was pacing back and fourth. I looked back at Scotty.

"Julie?" Scotty asked me pulling me close.

"Get your hands off of my daughter!" My dad yelled running out on the porch and pushing Scotty off of me.

"You little piece of dirt. I knew you were only with her for one thing." My dad said to Scotty and he held him to the ground. Scotty looked so scared and confused.

"Stop!" I yelled. My heart rate was going so fast I though I was going to pass out. I felt like I needed to barf again but so lightheaded. Suddenly my knees buckled and my eyes closed.

Did I just faint? I can't hear anyone except for the voice in my head. My head is really sore, but I can't move to touch it. Why can't I hear anyone? Has anyone noticed me yet? Am I dead? I can't be dead because I'm pregnant! Oh my gosh I'm pregnant with Scotty's baby! I have a freaking tiny person growing in my stomach. Maybe now I have some quiet time to think. So, Scotty and I went all the way last night. Fun. I woke up this morning to discover I'm gonna have a person growing in my belly. Not fun. There is a light in my eyes. Oh no! Don't got towards it! Don't go towards it. And Scotty or Julie Jr. you don't go towards it either! Heck, what am I talking about? This child doesn't even have a face yet never mind the eyes. Hey! I can hear someone! I'm awake! I'm awake! I'm awake!

"I'm awake." I said so groggily that I don't think anyone heard it.

"Julie? Can you hear me?" I heard someone say. I nodded and slowly opened my eyes.

"Scotty, we're gonna have a baby."

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