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So here it is, the Epilogue!!!

I hope y'all like this! 

Summer with the Blake Brothers


Ten Years Later

Lexi's POV 

"Happy Birhday!" Mason and I shouted as we entered our sons' room. There in their beds laid Nick and Jacob. They sat up and yawned while rubbing their eyes. Mason handed them each a cupcake with a lit candle that was stuck in the middle of their treat. 

Our twin sons had just turned eight, and the little girl I had on my hip was just four years old, her name was Kinsley. As soon as my mother had told me we were staying in South Carolina, Mason and I had promised each other we would be together forever. And right after our high school graduation he had proposed right in the middle of the field, with everyone watching. I had of course, said yes and we were now happily married with three kids and another one on the way. What could I say, we loved making babies. 

Nick and Jacob were extremely protective of their little sister, and they hoped that the next baby was going to be a girl so they could protect her too. I can only imagine how it will be when she is a teenager. I smiled down at the two boys who devoured their treat with smiles on their faces. 

"Get cleaned up boys." Mason told them, "You're party is in exactly two hours and the whole family will be there." 

Throughout the years everything has been fine. Kyle and Brittany along with Oliver and Jackie were happily married with each one kid of their own. Although Oliver and Jackie have another on the way. She's just a little farther along than me.

Mason and I had gotten married our second year in the college after being happily engaged for two long years. We weren't in a hurry but as soon as what we though was our first kid was on the way, we knew we should get married soon. And we barely made it, Nick and Jacob were born just as we were leaving to go on the honey moon. To this day, we haven't had a honey moon, but it didn't really matter to me or not if I had one. As long as my children were safe and my husband still loved me, I could care less. 

My mother and Todd were still happily married and my step-sister just turned ten. She's a cute little thing who looks just like my mother. We have gotten along well, and I don't have a problem with Todd anymore. 

All the Blake brothers had grown up and now all had girlfriends or wives. Michelle and Matthew were now getting older, and grey hair had started to show up on Matthew's head, even though he was just a little over fifty years old. But he could care less. 

Now, on to what everyone one of you is waiting for. 

Melanie . . . she is still healthy and cancer free, but doctor's say it could come back at any moment. And this time it wouldn't go away like it did last time, unless a new treatment came out. But we keep her in our prayers and so far she is still healthy. She's now twenty-one years old and engaged to Jeremy. They had started dating when they were both thirteen and to this day have not broken up once. They're the rare match that stay together since middle school. 

They're still as adorable as they were when they were younger, and Jake and Elle were still happily dating. Although I had recently gone ring shopping with Jake for the perfect ring for Elle. I didn't know when he was going to propose but Lord please let it be soon. I was tired of listening to Elle complain about dating for years and years and still not having a ring. But soon she will have one and we will have another wedding to plan. It seems our family is the master of weddings now. 

I still go to see my father once a week, usually on Sunday's when we get home from church, and I pray to God every night for my kids to stay healthy and happy. 

I still couldn't believe that everything had worked out great for Mason and I. I was thankful for our family and my friends and my kids. I was thankful that Melanie was healthy, and I was thankful that we were still living in South Carolina where my kids will grow up and live until they grow up and decided that they want to live somewhere else. But even then I will fight for them to stay here in South Carolina. 

Everything had worked out in the end, and really I owed everyting to Todd. If he hadn't of married my mother than I would have never had to go back to South Carolina. Therefore, I owe Todd, I wouldn't be married to my wonderful husband or have my kids if it wasn't for him marrying my mother. I wasn't too fond of it in the beginning but now I see that everything works out in the end, even if you don't think so in the beginning. 

And as I think back to that summer, I wouldn't go back and change anything. I wouldn't stop myself from dating Mason, and I stil wouldn't have gone back with Evan, who has completely disappeared off the face of the Earth. Even Elle hasn't heard from him in about two years after her knocked some random girl up and then fled. 

I walked out to the backyard where the whole family was hanging around, and smiled up to the sky where I know my father is watching right now. I couldn't be happier, than I was now. And I wouldn't trade any of this for the world. 

This was the best summer ever.



So, did y'all like the epilogue! 

I just want to cry now that this is over. No more Mason, and no more Blake brothers, what am I going to do with out them? It's so sad!! 

I just want to thank everyone who read this story and even the first one, and supported me from the very beginning of LWTBB. This has been a long journey and I loved every minute of it. I've gained so many friends and followers. I've had a lot of fun reading your comments and writing this story for y'all. I hope y'all continue to read my work, and continue to comment and vote on them too. 

I really appreciate y'alls support for this story. Y'all are the reason I wrote this, I wrote it for all of you. But really All I want to say is thank you. Without y'all, LWTBB and SWTBB wouldn't have gotten as far as they have today! And I really appreciate it! 

So thank you! 

I love all of y'all, I hope you enjoyed Blake Brother's and much as I enjoyed writing about them. 

Please comment and vote and follow me!

Thank you. 

Summer with the Blake Brothers ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora