Misread expectations.

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I'm YorkshirePerrie. All credits go to Happinessintime for she is the person who wrote this book. I'll try to update weekly so it can be open to fully read for everyone soon.


Harry POV

It's been six months since Louis left. Six months of loneliness, bitterness, sadness and silence. Every day that goes by has me questioning how he is and how much better he is. All the letters, phone calls and now even video chats that the other boys or our families receive doesn't answer those questions. They don't answer them because I don't get the answer from Louis himself.

After all these days and months of no word from him I still send him letters each day. Sometimes they're short and sometimes they're long and filled with pain and sadness, because lately that seems to be all I feel. The emptiness that I thought had finally closed that day with Louis in the hospital had been reopened. It was now an even bigger and deeper hole that only he could fix.

Everyone around me tried their hardest to comfort me but I eventually just shut them all out. I didn't want to hear their sympathies or words of encouragement because to me, it was all bullshit. They couldn't know how I was feeling because the one person they loved most in the world wasn't turning their back on them completely. No, they still had their loved one to see everyday but I didn't.

The pain in my heart that started after the first two weeks of not hearing from Louis eventually radiated through out my entire body. Now, no matter if I sit, stand, lay down or walk around I'm always in pain. People say that an emotional pain can't be turned into a physical pain, but I'm proof that it can, and it's a living hell. Everything hurts, even breathing and deciding to wake up every day hurts because I don't want to anymore.

I feel myself start to become more aware and sympathetic to the reasons why Louis wanted to end his life. Those dark feelings that start somewhere deep in your core and fester throughout your mind and soul. They linger in your every thought and you can almost taste them on your lips. It becomes overwhelming and yet it can be so peaceful.

That's where I find myself now, barely hanging on. I just want Louis back.

I want my Louis back.


Eight days into the seventh month of Louis' treatment we each received a phone call from Jay, Louis is coming home.

I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling when I got the phone call and as soon as it ended I looked around clearly for the first time. I was trying to process the fact that Louis would be home in just two days and also trying to figure out how to prepare myself. I had no one to jump around for joy with or set up a welcome home party. I had long ago turned away from everyone and eventually they stopped trying, or I ignored when they did.

I didn't feel lonely at the fact that I had pushed everyone else away. As sad as it sounds it hasn't affected me, but Louis' silence did. Every second that goes by is a like a slap across the face with a knife. It cuts deeper each time and never gives up.

A faint sound of a door opening makes its way upstairs as I still lay in bed unsure of what to do now. A shallow knock on the door and it opening causes me to look over and see the three boys still here walk in with smiles on their faces. It amazes me that even though I told them all to leave me alone and just to forget about me they never did. They pushed through everything and tried to keep me grounded even though all I did was keep throwing them away.

"Hey mate.." Liam says softly and timidly. Out of all of them he knew I was angry with him the most. I couldn't exactly explain the very reason for my anger towards him because deep down I knew it was never his fault. He only did something Louis and I never did but yet it angered me. I think I was more jealous than anything but I could never admit it.

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