Chapter 2

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Dust floated in the air, the rays of sun shining through the crusted bark entrance of the den making them stand out like golden cinders. Outside the clearing was busy with cats as they passed through and greeted one another in the open grass surrounded by thickets and trees. The fresh green leaf grass had little morning dew on it left, and the sun splashed light through the wealthy leaves which covered the thick branches of the oak tree that swooped down low to the ground, but not low enough to touch the forest floor.

A fluffy black tail tickled Amber Flame's nose, and groggily she awoke, her vision blurred but she could make out the thick-furred shape of her sister, Midnight Sky.

"Watch where you put your tail, I almost beat my record of how many mice I could catch in my dream." Amber Flame muttered through a yawn, a hint of amusement trickled her tone.

"Well, sorry about that, but at least it's about time you woke up. It's almost sunhigh for goodness' sake!" The black she cat replied, clearly concentrating on grooming her pelt.

Slowly, Amber Flame arose from her soft, tempting moss bed and sat down on her haunches, flicking off any straggling pieces of moss caught on her fur.

Marron and Cloud Mist's nest was empty, as expected, the two keen cats were always up at dawn. Her sister Crystal Eye's nest was empty too, the quite she-cat always seemed to be in a mind of her own and Amber Flame often had difficulty spending time with her sister. Owl Heart's nest was bare, but she spotted the familiar pale brown tabby pelt of the Tom through hole in the side of the trunk which made up the entrance.

"So how come you're up so late?" Amber Flame meowed in between licks as she groomed her fur down flat.

"I was up late last night hunting with Oak Shade since they stay in their burrows during the heat of the day." She meowed cooly sitting upright and licking a paw to draw over her long black whiskers.

"Oak Shade ay?," Amber Flame replied teasingly, a glimmer in her pale green gaze.

"You know we're just friends so there's no point in trying to tease." Midnight Sky said stubbornly, then stood up and walked out of the den, careful not to get her now prim coat caught on the bark as she passed through the entrance.

Rolling her eyes the tortoiseshell stood up and followed the black she-cat's outside, having to squint her eyes against the brilliant light as her pale eyes adjusted to the sun.

Nearest to where she stood; Owl Heart and Bright Song sat underneath the holly tree, Midnight Sky trotted over to join them and to get into some shade as the heat quickly warmed her black fur. On the other side of the clearing Snow Stripe, Fox Sight and Cloud Mist lay sprawled in the sun, exchanging a few words now and again.

Marron talked with Thunder Strike on one of the low branches above Amber Flame's head, although she couldn't hear what they were discussing.

The large honeysuckle bushes that stretched across one side of the clearing seemed to move slightly, their small white flowers stirred as Jasper and Rose emerged from the bush. Jasper's golden coloured collar seemed to gleam with the reflection of the sun. Rose didn't wear a collar, for Jasper had told Amber Flame that he and Laurel wore collars because they could not be misplaced with some strays, for they were too valuable.

Thinking of Laurel, she noticed she wasn't among the two like she usually was, but then after glancing across the stretch of grass she saw Tiger Stripe wasn't either, and the two were bound to be off somewhere together.

Marron saw the new arrivals and swiftly jumped down and padded across the grass to greet his mother, giving Amber Flame a nod of hello on his way. The cream coloured she-cat and the teller exchanged a touch of their noses before Rose started chatting away about this, that or another.

Jasper however walked over to where his mate lay on the grass and affectionately gave her a lick on her white head before sitting down with Snow Stripe to enjoy the green leaf sun. His grey tabby pelt and her white pelt with faint tabby markings stood out clearly among the green and yellowish ferns.

Gazing around the open space, Amber Flame considered what she herself would get up to on this sunny day. Moss Foot and White Blossom weren't here, and thank goodness not Rain Foot, he always ruined any fun she was having.

Making up her mind the tortoiseshell decided to go join Midnight Sky with Owl Heart and Bright Song. Coming into earshot as she proceeded forward she could make out their words;

"--I'm just saying, but I'm sure that it was definitely a rogue." Bright Song persisted, her golden-cream tail neatly wrapped over her white paws.

"Hey guys, what you up to?" Amber Flame asked cooly, the shade of the holly tree chilled her warm black fur.

The three cats turned to greet her, Midnight Sky's morning stubbornness had withdrawn from her piercing dark blue gaze.

"We were just talking about the recent rogue activity, they've seem to be more frequent around our territory, and we were discussing why we think that might be so." Bright Song answered her question, cheerful despite the topic.

The tortoiseshell took a place between Owl Heart and Midnight Sky, laying down on her side but she kept her head and chest upright.

"Well, I scented a rogue when Moss Pelt, White Blossom and I were heading back along the river, I tried to follow it but it ended at the bank, meaning it must have been in some rush to swim across the river rather than go a little bit more down stream to the crossing log." She proposed, letting the other cats and herself take in the idea.

"Do you think they're planning something? They have been acting quite reckless lately, yet avoiding contact with us, which isn't usual since some cat gets into a dispute with one of them now or again, over prey or something along those lines." Owl Heart suggested, the silence at the end of his speech made it sound even more eerie than the thought already was.

"Listen, whatever's going on with the rogues, Marron will know what to do, he always does," Midnight Sky lightened the atmosphere as she praised their father. "Besides, rogues are idiotic, they couldn't catch their own tail and not realise it was their own." She joked playfully, and the other's expressions lightened.

The tortoiseshell was glad to see everyone in such good humour, it was nice, and for now there was no need for them to be worrying about some dumb rogues. With weather as good as this, they might as well enjoy it.

Author's Note:
Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated this in a while but I was sort of uninspired what to write, but I'm back on track and there will be weekly updates. This chapter is more of a filler, and the next chapter or two may be like that too before we get to the main point but I haven't decided on that yet.
As always I love to hear your feedback, suggestions and thoughts, and thanks for being patient with me for this update ^ ^

~Melodic <3

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