Chapter 4

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The air grew sticky as Amber Flame neared the river in pursuit of the newcomer named Lily. Clouds drifted across the sky but there was no sign of rain and the air was still only with the slightest breeze. The bracken rustled loudly as the two cats crashed through the thinning forest, Amber Flame was drawing ever closer to the calico she-cat.

Lily's panting was hard, her expression mixed with fear and doubt. The sandy banks of the river were in view now, and just beyond them was the old log, her exit. Emerging from the undergrowth she turned up sand in her path but she was running out of breath. A clump of sand flung at Amber Flame's muzzle but she didn't stop, instead the tortoiseshell shook it off and spat out any remaining grit, not wanting to lose her pace.

The log was just within reach, Lily jumped up her eyes shining, but before her claws could get a hold onto the rotting bark a heavy weight flung into her and knocked the last breath out of the queen. She landed hard onto the sand, her fur feeling uncomfortable with the grains that embedded onto it which would take ages to clean off.

Amber Flame stood above the she-cat, shoulders tense and eyes narrowed to slits. "I wasn't done asking questions, now wh-"
She was interrupted when the reeds rustled and two familiar faces appeared alongside three new ones.

"Amber Flame what are you doing?" A shocked expression coated her brother's face, Oak Shade and a brown tabby she-cat mirroring the image while a white kit and a calico kit stood, ears-pinned down and wide eyes scared, behind the tabby.

"What Am 'I' doing?" Amber Flame meowed in disbelief, "I found a trespasser who tried to escape before I finished asking her questions!" The tortoiseshell retorted, just as surprised to how Owl Heart looked disbelieving at the situation.

"Amber Flame this territory isn't all ours to claim, besides she was just trying to hunt since everywhere they go on the other side of the river they meet trouble, but I guess their luck has followed them here too." Owl Heart scowled, angry at Amber Flame's hostile actions.

Amber Flame gritted her teeth and swished her tail irritated but she tried to keep her fur flat. She stepped away from Lily to let the queen up, cautiously the calico she-cat reattained her feet, never taking her eyes off of Amber Flame. "And how do you know all of this?" The tortoiseshell queried, her tone tart.

"We came across Sheila and the kits' scents and tracked them across the river hiding in the reeds, they were so scared and hungry but we offered them the prey we had caught earlier. After that Sheila explained the whole situation." This time it was Oak Shade who replied. Lily dipped her head to the two toms, her back to Amber Flame. "Oh thank you so much for helping my kits, I wish there was something I could do in return." He voice was full of gratitude.

"There's no need to thank us really," Owl Heart replied embarrassed. "And if you want you're more than welcome to settle in these woods, it'll be a lot safer and easier trying to feed four mouths here." He continued, his tail waving welcomingly.

"Really?" Sheila looked shocked at his offer, joy sparkling in her green eyes. Both toms nodded willingly while Lily showered her kits in licks, her pelt pricking happily.

Amber Flame let out a low growl as she observed the chatter, standing off to the side not wanting to join the friendly greetings. She caught Lily's hazel gaze, it was sharp but it held something else behind it. Threat? Vaunt? She couldn't decide, instead she turned tail and started into the undergrowth, a scowl across her face.


Oak Shade and Owl Heart had informed Marron of the newcomers, the Teller hadn't had much to say but only to announce that they are no major threat to the cats of the forest.

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